Chapter 4: Celeste

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Holy canola does he know?! How would a Vamp know before most Fae found out? If a Vamp knows who my mother is that could put my kingdom and myself at high risk. All Vamps are going to want to come for me and my power, which means hundreds will be coming here to hunt me down. I need to figure out who all knows and try and cut off all Vamps who know of my power so none of them come to Delphi. "How do you know who my mother is," I asked intending to emphasize the bite in my tone. I may not be Queen nor may I claim my Princess title, but I will not put my home forest at risk. "I know many things about you, Ms. Airheart," he said with a smirk and I noticed he had a Romanian accent which wasn't uncommon in Greece, but it was still strange to hear. I looked at this man with annoyance. He had pale white skin and golden honey-colored eyes with hair so brown it almost looked black. Thanks to the sun still half-lit behind me it was easy to see his features better, but I still would have had the ability to see him thanks to my Fairy vision. It's time to finally get out of here. I summoned thunder and lightning which made him look up and loosen his hold on me. Rookie mistake Vamp. I summoned a tornado and had it pull me out of his grasp and fly me out of reach. Once I felt that I was at a safer distance, I created vines to grow all around him until he could no longer move or try to do anything stupid. "Now you will start answering my questions," I said with strong determination. His eyes widened and I was now the one smirking.

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