Chapter 16

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Tilias POV
I look to see that the man has an,arrow pointed at Fili. Balin inquisitively say "You look like your from Laketown. That barge over there must be yours." "Aye, it is." Said the mysterious man. "It wouldn't be up for hiring would it." Balin asks. "I don't know what you've been up to. But I know where these barrels came from. It looks like you didnt have a peaceful conversation with King Thranduil. The lord of the lake would never cross him, that's where we get our supplies." The lakeman questioned. "We would pay you." I said. "Yes my dear but, you would need a smuggler to get into town." He in lightened us. "Which is
why we would pay double." Balin persuaded. The man though about it then, welcomed us upon his ship.

As we got closer we were counting the money. Balin noticed we didn't have enough. "We are ten short." He said looking at Gloin. "I have nothing. This adventure has run me dry." looking up he got worried throwing the bag of coins saying take it. Bard which I found out was his name from Bilbo, demanded pay before getting closer. The money was handed over and he told us to get into the barrels. As we were getting in I noticed there were not enough barrels. I was about to go into the water when Fili turned me around. "Where a you going love" he asked. "I was getting in the water you see the cold will not affect me." It looked at me worried then let me go down in there. We were rounding the corner to the entrence. I dunked my head under the water. All I heard was muffled voices and then fish were dumped on my head. All of a sudden it stopped and we were moving again.
Filis POV
We were kicked out of the barrel. I looked up ready to sat when I saw a soaking Tilia climbing aboard. I laugh at her because of how soaked she was. She looked at me and said "What's so funny. I can dry myself, you'll still smell like fish." He looked at me mad with everyone snickering. Then a boy came running and said "Dad, our house....its being watched." Tilia decided to walk with Bard into his house because, she had lived he before. The others and I weren't so lucky. We had to come up through the toilet.

Once in the house, Bard and his children gave us blankets to warm up. I went and sat next to Tilia. We had been talking when she fell asleep on my shoulder. Uncle called me in the kitchen and Bard had the "weapons". We were not satisfied at all so, when Bard left we headed out. We went to the armory without Tilia. Yet, we were caught.
Tilias POV
I wake up to no one there with me. I walk out into the square of town and see them all surrounded. It was loud from all the yelling going on. Next thing I know is the lord of the lake says welcome to us. Fili ran towards me apologizing for leaving me. I said its fine, before we went to eat and sleep before continuing our journey.

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