Kate Stewart x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Hearing my phone ring I roll over in bed and check the alarm with a groan, it's two o'clock in the morning! Grabbing my phone I answer it as I push myself up in bed.

"Kate? What do you need? It's two in the morning!" I ask her tiredly and she sighs on the other end. "Kate, you've just woken me up at stupid o'clock in the morning on the first day off I've had in months. Someone better be dying or dead."

"Can you let me in?" She asks without explaining why she's calling and I stumble out of bed to go over to the window. Looking down I see Kate standing outside in the snow looking up at my window. "Please? It's freezing out here." She adds and I hang up as I leave the room. Quickly running downstairs I struggle to find the right key to unlock the door and pull it open.

"Get in here before you freeze to death." I tell the annoying woman and she smiles at me as she brushes past me. Closing and locking the door again I turn to look at her with a raised eyebrow making her chuckle. "Take your jacket and shoes off and make yourself at home while I make us some coffee." I say as I put the heating on and she quietly does as I said making me frown, this isn't like Kate. She's never this quiet, even outside of work but tonight she's completely out of character. Walking into the kitchen I quickly put a pod in the coffee machine and make two coffees before grabbing them and a bottle of wine just in case it's needed.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." Kate finally says as I sit next to her and hand her her coffee. Shaking my head with a smile I see that she's shaking and take her hand lightly making her look at me.

"It's fine, I'm always a bitch first thing in the morning." I tell her making her laugh slightly. "So, what can I help with this early?"

"I uh, I need your help with something. I know its your day off but I really need your help." She says and I close my eyes with a small groan. "I'll give you a week of if it means you'll help me."

"That's not necessary Kate and you know it, I'll help where I can when I can." I tell her as I look at her and she's biting her lip as she looks at me. "What exactly do you need my help with?"

"The Zygons, they're rebelling against the ceasefire." She says and I raise an eyebrow at her while she yawns. "Sorry, I've not slept for-" She trails off with a shrug.

"Well you've been in the office with me for the last week and I know that you've not had a chance to sleep there." I tell her as I stand up and offer her my hand which she takes after a moment. "Come on, sleep then you can explain fully in the morning." I say as I guide her upstairs and she follows me with a smile.

"Thank you, for not killing me at the mere mention of work." She says and I chuckle.

"I knew the risks of working with U.N.I.T when I first started Kate. I knew this could and would happen." I tell her as I lead her into my room. "You can take the bed and I'll take the sofa. Normally I'd have the spare room available but there's been a slight, let's call it an incident, in there."

"We're both adults y/n, I'm sure we can share a bed for one night." She says as she bites her lip and I nod in agreement before taking in what she's wearing. Moving over to my dresser I bend down to retrieve a set of pyjamas from the bottom drawer before turning to hand her them only to jump when she's right in front of me. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." She says quietly as she takes the pyjamas from me.

"It's fine Kate don't worry about it. I'll let you get ready while I go tidy up downstairs and I'll be back in a minute." I say and go to leave but she stops me softly, pulling me into a hug that I quickly return. Feeling her relax against me I rub her back softly making her sigh as her muscles relax under my touch.

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