12th & 13th x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Watching my husband being a stubborn asshole as he fights his regeneration I shake my head as I walk over to him and rest my hand on his arm. Suprisingly he pulls me into a tight hug making me smile sadly as I rest my head on his chest, listening as his hearts beat slower than they normally do. Closing my eyes against the sting of tears I grip his jacket tightly in an attempt to keep him as close to me as I can.

"I know that you're tired and I can't force you to regenerate but I need you to know that I love you so fucking much. No matter what you choose to do I will support your decision fully. No matter how hard it may be to do so." I say quietly and his grip tightens around me as he nods against my head silently. "What are you thinking love? Tell me what's going on in that brilliant head of yours."

"We've lost so much y/n and I'm not sure if I can handle losing anymore. We've lost so many companions over the years and I don't know if I can continue to lose anyone else." He says into my hair as he lifts me to sit on the console so that he's standing inbetween my legs as he closes any and all space between us which makes me smile sadly. For a man that claims that he doesn't like hugging he sure does it a hell of a lot and everytime he does my heart swells because I know that it's this versions way of showing some vulnerabilty, something that only I'm privileged to see. "What will you do if I don't regenerate?" He asks me quietly and I pull back from his chest to look at him and he pushes my hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek.

"I don't know. I've never let myself think about the day you wouldn't be at my side anymore. You've always been there, we've always travelled across time and space together and somehow we've always managed to get into trouble together." I say with a chuckle even as a tear rolls down my cheek. "You've always been the one constant in my life beside this old girl, I've spent nearly a thousand years with you beside me love. What do you want me to do? If...if you decide not to regenerateand let nature take it's course what do you want me to do?" I ask him as he wipes the tear off my cheek before he leans in and kisses me softly and I slide my hands up his back to play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Relaxing into the kiss I can feel the overwhelming warmth of regeneration energy on his hands making us break apart.

"I'd want you to be happy y/n, that's all that I've ever wanted even if I've not always been the best at showing it over the years." He says gruffly and I chuckle at that as our heads rest together while the energy spreads up his arm slightly. Taking his hand in mine I tangle our fingers together while biting my lip when he clutches onto it tightly. "I'm scared y/n, I don't want to go yet."

"I know love, we're never ready to but I'm here, I'm not going anywhere. Do whatever you feel is right and if you go through the regenration I will be right here at your side when it's finished." I tell him softly and he nods as he slips his wedding ring off, placing it in my hand which he closes around it. That action makes tears spring into my eyes and he quickly shakes his head as he strokes my cheek with a small smile.

"I need you to keep that safe for me, I really don't want it falling never to be found again. I'll be wanting it back once this is finished." He says quietly and I hold it tight to my chest as he steps back from me. Nodding I slip off the console and watch as he stops fighting with himself before I'm temporarily blinded by the brightness of the energy. Blinking a few times I slip the ring into my shirt pocket and run around trying to steady the TARDIS as she reacts to the energy and starts to regenerate her interior to suit my husbands new tastes. Watching as my bookshelf disappears I groan knowing that I'll never find the damn thing again and if I do half the books will be missing but I can replace the books, most of them anyway. Right now my main concern is not crashing while my husbands busy. Finally feeling the TARDIS stablise I look over at my husband with a gasp when I see him in female form and holy shit! She's fucking gorgeous!

Doctor Who ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora