Sarah-Jane Smith x Reader (Request)

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A/n: Requested by @wandering_samurai again the reader is male and I really am sorry because I don't think this is my best work but I just didn't know how to carry it on so I really hope that you like what I managed to think of. Rose bashing in some parts because I really don't like her and Elisabeth Sladen is soooooo much hotter than Billie Piper, there's no argument about it.

Y/n's POV

Sitting working on K-9 with Sarah-Jane I can't believe that she's here with me, even after I just left her behind which was a mistake but I was scared back then. I had grown so used to Sarah being there and I had watched her almost die too many times and thought that it would be best for her. Or maybe it was what was best for me at the time but really? I have regretted it everyday since I let.

"Right, a few more repairs and he'll be as good as new Sarah." I tell her and she looks at me quickly before returning to what she was doing without saying anything and I sigh knowing that she's pissed with me, which I can't blame her for in the slightest. "I'm sorry, for everything that happened back then Sarah. You have to believe that." I say quietly as I ignore Rose whining to Mickey about whatever was bothering her now.

"Tell me honestly, did I do something wrong? Because you never came back for me." She asks without looking at me and my hearts freeze at that.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong Sarah and I can't apologise enough for leaving like I did. It has been one of my biggest regrets since I did it." I tell her honestly as I stop what I'm doing and look up at her. "My fourth regeneration was an idiot who wanted to keep you safe the best way he knew possible which at that time was leaving you behind with no warning."

"But you did keep me safe!" She says as she finally looks at me and I shake my head at that because I didn't, she almost died so many times because of me. "Doctor, you were the safest person I knew at that time. Hell you're still the safest person I know so cut the crap!"

"You almost died Sarah! I almost lost you and that scared the shit out of me! I almost lost you and I knew that I couldn't keep putting you in dangers way but I went about everything the wrong way." I tell her honestly and she shakes her head at me with a smile that makes both my hearts race still while she takes my hand in hers. "I couldn't let you be another casualty because of me."

"You're an idiot, I hope you know that." She says as she squeezes my hand while catching my eyes and I swear she must be able to hear how fast my hearts are racing while I smile at her.

"I've known that for years Sarah-Jane Smith, ever since I walked away I've known that I was an idiot and I really wish that I had stayed or even just come back for you." I tell her honestly and she bites her lip as she reluctantly lets go of my hand to go back to fixing K-9. Moving to stand behind her in a show of helping her I smile when she leans back into me with a slight gasp as I subtly move her hair. "My feelings for you never changed Sarah-Jane Smith, not for one moment have they changed." I whisper in her ear as I 'help' her and she hides a grin behind her hair making me chuckle deeply.

"Hmm, so it wasn't just me then?" She asks and I shake my head as I look up at Rose, who's back is towards us, which makes her scowl at me. "So much for them not changing." She mutters as she tries to move away from me but I hold her tight to my chest.

"Don't, she is nothing but a companion to me and I can promise you right now nothing is going to change that Sarah." I tell her honestly as my hand runs up her arm slightly making her relax back into me more. "It's you Sarah, you're the woman that captured my hearts long ago and that's not changed over my last six regenerations." I say as she gives up trying to focus on K-9 as she looks up at me with a smile.

"Good, make sure it stays that way." She says with a slight glare and I chuckle at that while nodding. Quickly finishing up with K-9 we ignore the glares that Rose sends our way as we talk and prepare for what's about to happen. Sending the other two outside I turn to Sarah when she squeezes my arm slightly. "Please be careful, I don't need you regenerating on me right after we meet again." She tells me and I chuckle as I pull her closer to me making her grin at me.

"I promise, now let's go get rid of these Krillitanes shall we?" I ask and she nods in return as she pulls away from me with a smile. "After this, if you agree of course, you can pick anywhere you want to go next."

"How about you ditch those two and you can reaquaint me with your bedroom." She whispers and I glare at her while she laughs slightly. Pulling her back into me I kiss her quickly before pulling away with a smirk.

"Happily Sarah, very happily." I tell her before we leave the cafe with K-9 to join the others much to both our disappointments.


"Are you serious? You want me to leave so that some old woman can take my place?" Rose almost shouts at me and I glare at her.

"No Rose, what I'm saying is that I want the woman that I love and have done since my fourth regeneration to come into my home. I want to make a life with the woman I let go years ago and I need to make amends before it's too late!" I snap at her and she crosses her arms angrily. "Look I'm not saying that I don't want you to come back and travel with me but I would like to spend some time with Sarah alone first. Surely you can understand that!"

"What I understand is that you've never mentioned this woman before but all of a sudden you're kicking me out to be with her!" She shouts and I pinch my brow at her behaviour. Why is she making such a big deal about this? "If you love her so fucking much then why did you leave her huh? Why leave and not come back for her until now?"

"Not that it's any of your business what I do with my life but I left Sarah to protect her! I almost lost her and the only way I thought I could protect her at the time was to leave her behind and trust me I have regretted it every day since. That's why I left Rose and I never came back because I thought that if I did I would only put her in further danger." I tell her angrily as Sarah approaches us with a bag in her hand making me grin at her. "Now please drop the subject and let me spend some time with Sarah nad then we can go from there!"

"Do you know what? Don't bother coming back for me, you're welcome to the old hag." Rose says and before I can react Sarah has smacked her making her look at me with wide eyes. "Are you just going to let her slap me? Seriously?"

"You kind of deserved that to be honest Rose." I tell her and she glares at me before storming off making me chuckle as I turn my attention to Sarah as I take her bag and throw it inside making her grin. "I actually feel slightly bad for her because I know how hard you slap Sarah." I say with a slight chuckle and she rolls her eyes while wrapping her arms around my neck with a smile.

"She's had it coming since we met Doctor and don't worry I didn't hit the little bitch that hard." She says as I rest my hands on her waist pulling her closer to me making her smile grow. "Now, I believe that you made me a promise and I really hope that you're going to follow through on it." She adds as she leans in to kiss me lightly and I quickly pick her up to carry her inside making her laugh as she breaks that kiss. Kicking the TARDIS door shut behind us I pull her into another kiss as I carry her to my room just like I had promised earlier and she moans into the kiss as she presses against me more. Feeling her hands in my hair tugging slightly as she nips at me lip I squeeze her ass making her moan before she rolls her hips against me which has me gripping her ass harder to stop myself from dropping her. Breaking the kiss for air I push her against the wall breifly I press against her and let her feel exactly what she's doing to me making her moan as she rolls against me again as her eyes slip closed. Kissing her neck I try to calm myself enough to take her to my room and when we got there I throw her on the bed making her laugh as I join her after I push my jacket off my shoulders.

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