Kate Stewart x Reader (Request)

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A/n: This was requested by @wandering_samurai, I'm really sorry that this has taken so long to get up for you. This is my first attempt at writting a male!reader story so if it's completely shit I apologise. Riversong doesn't exist in this story because Kate isn't sharing her man with anyone!

Y/n's POV

Getting a panicked emergency message from Kate had me deserting every plan that I had made with my current companions and changing the co-ordinations hurriedly much to their confusion but I couldn't care less. Feeling the TARDIS land I run out the doors and see Kate waiting for me on the steps of UNIT headquarters with a small smile and it takes everything I have not to just pull her into me and not let go of her but I know that unless we want to blow our cover I can't. Walking over to her with the others behind me I raise my eyebrow when I notice that she's playing with her wedding ring and try to think if I've missed anything that could have pissed her off but come up blank making her lips twitch in amusement as she watches me.

"Thank you for coming so soon Doctor, normally I wouldn't ask for help but this time I don't think I'll be able to handle this on my own." She tells me and I relax slightly making her smile at me before she turns and starts making her way inside with me following beside her leaving the others to trail behind. "Before you ask I'm fine." She whispers as her hand brushes against mine and I smile when her finger hooks around mine slightly before pulling away with a frustrated sigh.

"I changed directions as soon as I got your message Kate, you know that I'm always happy to help where I can." I tell her as I follow her over to the briefing board and make a show of looking over it while pressing against her slightly as I whisper in her ear. "Especially when it means that  I get to see my gorgeous wife. Who can I just say looks even more amazing than she normally does."

"Well aren't you being a charmer darling, don't worry you haven't forgotten anything and I'm not angry about how long you've been gone for. It's technically only been a week for me but I know it's probably been longer for you. Saying that I'm going to ask if you can stay for a while or does the universe need you back straight away?" She asks quietly as she leans back into me very slightly so not to raise any eyebrows and I look at her with a smile that fades as I see the longing in her eyes. She's right, it's been about six months for me and I'm more than ready for a break where I just get to spend time with my wife.

"I can stay for as long as you want me to Kate, you know that. Hell, tell me not to travel anymore and I'll send the TARDIS back to Gallifrey right now." I tell her honestly and she grins at me with a shake of her head before looking back at the board as she moves away from me as Osgood approaches us with coffees. Silently cursing the scientific genius I pull my attention back to the task at hand as I take my drink from her. "So, what do we know so far? Any idea what we're dealing with and any reason they might be attacking now?" I ask and Kate shakes her head in frustration making me bite back a laugh knowing that I would only get in trouble if I showed my amusement. "Okay, lets figure this out then and save the world." I say and her lips twitch in amusement before she slips back into work mode completely.


Watching Kate try to reason with the Ghilzen my eyes widen in horror as they raise their weapons ready to attack and quickly jump into action. Moving in front of her I pull her behind me with a glare aimed solely at the Ghilzen as they pause their movement in shock. Feeling Kate grip my jacket tightly I want nothing more than to calm her down but right mow I need to focus on the matter at hand, which is not only ensuring her safety but the rest of the worlds as well.

"What are you? You are no human!" The Ghilzen spits at me and I stare it down.

"What I am is none of your concern, what is your concern is leaving this planet and not returning unless you wish to see yourselves destroyed." I tell them seriously and they sneer at me as they adjust their grip on their weapon making Kate tense behind me.

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