Chapter 10: Sealing of Fate

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The workers under Brynden's employ were very effective at their job, with Salo's old chambers no longer bearing any resemblance of the deceased councillor. Sticking to the idea Brynden proposed, the interim council chambers contained a circular wooden table, with plenty of room for seven seats should suitable candidates be capable of filling the roles. The smooth wooden surface sported a deeper brown texture, coated with a mirror shine, with a thickness that promoted the idea that the supplier spared no expense. It did not have the cog carved theme that the original table possessed, but the shape of the arc was very similar. It was perfectly rounded and carved to fit with the high-born aesthetic, with the surface so clean you could eat food off of it. The walls surrounding the table were a lot plainer by example, with the red trims along the walls remaining, but the many pieces of art and ornamental pieces that once decorated Salo's chambers removed. Unlike Hoskel's office, three rectangular windows that span the length of the back wall ushered light into the room, however, much like Hoskel's office, they sported a unique design across the many panes of glass.

Jayce and Mel arrived together, to find Ambessa sat stoically in her chair off to the side of Brynden, who sat in the central chair that would have been Heimerdinger's if the meeting took place in the old chambers. Brynden flicked his eyes to the pair as they arrived, before quickly concluding the hushed discussion he was having with a masked enforcer. The enforcer quickly bowed before marching out the chambers, Mel curiously eyeing them both.

"Anything you care to share with us Mr Seastar?" Asked Mel as Brynden smiled back at her.

"Oh it's nothing of note. Just specific security concerns regarding 'The Hidden Depths' and also 'The Proud Lioness', which I did want to briefly discuss." Explained Brynden as Mel and Jayce sat on the other side of Brynden, with Mel taking note of where he had chosen to sit.

"What did you want to discuss, as we do have more pressing concerns to deal with." Bit back Mel with a smile, almost probing for a reaction from Brynden. However, his frame remained strong.

"It was merely a matter of informing you all that I have assumed ownership of 'The Proud Lioness' as the sole representative of the management team for the Hoskel Trade Company here in the city. I have already cleared it with the bank, but I wanted to assure you all that the company is following a due process in selecting who will take charge of the company. I am merely a placeholder for now." Warmly explained Brynden with a smile as he looked between the trio that sat around him.

"That's fine Brynden. Thank you for telling us." Thanked Jayce with a subdued smile, to which Brynden nodded. "But as Mel said, we need to talk about more pressing concerns, and make them official." Solemnly spoke Jayce, dread filling his voice. Ambessa on the other hand, looked ready to jump on the change of topic.

"Do I need to say it again, since we have had to organise this official meeting." Grumbled Ambessa as Brynden gestured to her with a calming hand.

"I know this may seem a pointless action, but these sorts of processes are needed." Placated Brynden, which seemed to settle Ambessa slightly. "Especially considering the fact that I believe that the most pressing issue that we can solve right now is the state of this council." Explained Brynden, which drew curious looks from Jayce, and especially Mel.

"What seems to be the problem?" Probed Mel with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, isn't it obvious?" Shrugged Brynden as he looked between the pair. "The council of Piltover has held seven seats for generations. Whatever the reasons were for selecting that specific number, at the very least it allows for a decision to be reached, even if there is disagreement." Explained Brynden as he gestured to the three empty seats that sat at the table. "Unless my eyes are deceiving me, there are only four of us. If I was to take Ambessa's side in a matter against the pair of you, how would we reach a fair decision that adheres to the principles of this city?" Asked Brynden Rhetorically, with Mel unsure if he had laced a threat within his words.

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