Chapter 26: Deepest Desires

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The orange rays of the evening sun filled Brynden's solar, dancing over the top of the row of flowers and greenery, illuminating the spacious solar. It was quiet within Seastar's domain, with the servants and his personal attendant Jonathan on a break, with the soft scratching of a pen sneaking through the almost empty living spaces.

Brynden's white shirt was unbuckled, his sleeves rolled up and his light blue waistcoat rested upon the back of the chair that he had been sitting in for some time. A man in his position scarcely had time to himself to fully relax, and considering Brynden's aspirations and obligations, he knew that allowing himself to fall into the warm and relaxing arms of complacency would prove his undoing.

His eyes remained on his work, with the softest of footsteps pulling his attention away from the desk. The familiar and cloaked shape of Harrion stood in the doorway, silently waiting to be spoken to.

"When we next get the chance to train, Harrion, you must excuse me if I demonstrate a severe decline in form." Greeted Brynden with a lighter tone as he quickly brought himself back to his writing, to leave his work at a suitable point. "Sometimes it feels like my joints are turning to stone." Added Brynden with a smirk and soft chuckle.

"Any prolonged gap in a consistent training regime will always make a return to form a challenge. It is to be expected." Replied Harrion in his usually emotionless and pragmatic tone.

"Well, once everything falls into place, I will be in the position to allocate some free time to myself. We can catch up on lost time." Continued Brynden as he placed his pen down.

"I would like that, sir." Quietly responded Harrion.

"As would I." Replied Brynden as he leant back in his chair, a small yet genuine smile creeping across his face. He could not see the fullest extent of Harrion's features, leaving Brynden to guess whether Harrion was also smiling as well. "But tell me, what have my eyes and ears seen and heard?" Probed Brynden, slotting his fingers across his belly, interlocking them as his own eyes hardened slightly with a pragmatic sternness and focus.

"The second meeting with Sevika's faction went exactly as you predicted. Sevika did not attend, and the woman called Ran led the group of four. They could not help themselves when it was confirmed that we were carrying additional funds. They attempted to strong arm us into giving them more than what was agreed upon. We eliminated three of them, sparing one of them, Thieram." Calmly explained Harrion, maintaining his usual emotionless voice.

"And who is this 'Thieram'?" Probed Brynden.

"He works for Sevika, but from my observations, he is either a new recruit, or someone who doesn't usually operate on the front lines. Considering that Sevika's main centre of operations is a bar, I wouldn't be surprised if he is no more than staff, a bartender perhaps, and was forced into the role, simply to make up the numbers as an extra body."

"And you believe he will be a reliable informant?" Asked Brynden after scratching his jaw in thought as he digested the information he had just received.

"I do." Simply replied Harrion, with Brynden nodding his head slightly. If Harrion was certain about something, past events told Brynden to trust him.

"Anything else to report?"

"The Chem Barons were killed." Began Harrion, cutting straight to the point, with his declaration peaking Brynden's immediate interest. "From coordinating with your eyes and ears in the Undercity, and after investigating the scene of the bombing, which was their primary meeting location, the most probable perpetrator would be Jinx." Further explained Harrion, with Brynden becoming even more interested at the inclusion of Jinx to Harrion's report.

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