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Giyu fluff requested by dharrmanfam, I hope you enjoy!


You were sitting down Infront of Giyu's residence waiting for him to return from a mission, as Giyu stepped into the bright moonlight and towards the dwelling you felt filled with joy that he was back and safe. You jump up from your spot and run up to him and give a small wave as a greeting, he didn't show it but he was surprised and happy to see you as you smiled at him.

The two of you had just gotten inside and Giyu couldn't help but notice the smell of the food you had bought just a bit earlier that night, you grabbed his hand and led him to a table with a single plate holding a fillet of cooked salmon then you let go of his hand and pushed the plate towards him and made a happy humming sound when he sat down and started eating it. You sat down facing him and watched happily as he ate, he turned towards you slightly confused as why you were just staring at him.

"Why are you staring at me?" He finally asked when you continued to stare, you jumped a bit startled you blushed and then turned away trying to form at least some kind of words that would be coherent but all that came out was a jumbled mess of noise, you stopped and turned your eyes to the floor with a face as red as a cherry. Giyu stood up and walked away with his empty dish to clean it and your eyes followed him as you stared with great admiration for him, you stood up when he left the room and followed him like a lost puppy into his bedroom however he was no longer standing and was now lying on his bed and sleeping.

Although the room was darker than the other rooms your eyes still held brightness in them as you walked over to him and reached your hand to his head but hesitated and pulled it back as you started to over think what would happen, you shook your head and gave a quiet but determined hum and placed your hand on his head to find that his hair was surprisingly soft, the shine in your eyes became greater when you discovered this.

Without knowing you had subconsciously climbed onto Giyu's bed laid down while petting his hair with half lidded eyes as you yawned and slowly fell asleep next to him "I...love...you..." You spoke with an extremely quiet voice as your eyelids fell and you went to sleep.

Although you thought that Giyu was asleep he was infact wide awake and wide eyed at what he had heard, he turned towards you and gently pulled you towards him "I- *sigh*" he started but instead just laid his head down and went to sleep as well.

The end

(A/n) hi hi hi!! I hope you liked this one, personally I liked writing it, if you have any ideas on how I could have done something better let me know! (Sorry if it was really short ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ

Oh and Giyu was trying to say "I love you too..."  (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

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