Chapter 6

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While wrapping up her work at 6:45, Kate realized that he was a hard-worker who had kept her on toes all day. She loved the hustle and was glad that he never brought up the topic. Maybe he was very embarrassed or maybe he was trying to pass this week as peacefully as she was. Her hands were working fast and her mind even faster. She was late.

She knocked on his office door and entered after his rude come-in. She gave him a schedule for the next day, reminded him of his meetings and told him that she was leaving now, to which he only nodded without even looking at her. She took her cue and rushed towards the door.

She was making it harder for him by acting as if she was not affected by their incident and he hated it. Though, he was doing the same, but it annoyed the hell out of him how she could act so normal when he was struggling to put his thoughts in place. He saw the way her hips swayed when she walked out of office and he wanted to spank her for her act. He felt helpless and he hated it. He took the paperweight and smashed it on the wall and screamed.

"She must suffer. She needs to suffer and she will suffer. I swear it." He made a promise to himself and went to the bar in his office.

Kate arrived home at 8 and walked straight into the shower. She was already late and if she did not reach in time, she knew her best friend Maya will slit her throat by the sharpness of her words. She slipped on a jean, a fitted t-shirt and her shoes and she was ready to go out.

Apart from Brittany and Maya, Kate didn't have anyone in her life. Since the first year of college, she had not dated anyone. It was Harry who was her first and last boyfriend. He was the basketball captain and was followed by almost every girl in the college. It was the shortest relationship in history as it lasted for two weeks only. When Kate had come to know that all he wanted was to get in bed with her to win a bet with his friends and that's why trying to woo her. So, she had slapped him in the basketball ground in front of everyone. He did not come near her after that nor did anyone else. But, she was happy in her single life then and she was now. Though, she never told anyone that she was a 24-year old virgin.

To lose her V-card, Maya kept taking her out or setting up blind dates for her with her male friends. Tonight was another one of those nights. They were going to meet at The Box in downtown at 8. Kate reached there at 8:45 and was met with a nod from the bouncer on the gate as a permission to get in, who was stopping people from getting in. As they were regulars, she slid in and received some angry glares from the waiting crowd. She walked through the corridor that was lit with the red neon lights and smelled of drinks and perfumes and cigarette smoke. For a Tuesday, the place was crowded, but she recognized her friend instantly who was laughing with two guys standing close to her.

As she reached them, she was met with icy glare from Maya.

"Hey guys," she said and smiled as best as she could because Maya was making her nervous.

"At last, you got time for me." Maya was not letting her go.

"I am so sorry. I was just wrapping up everything and it was 7 already," Kate tried to reason.

"Whatever," Maya gestured with her hand as if it was not important and moved on to introducing her with her two friends, "Kate meet Dave and Bernie. Guys this is Kate, my bestie who can't take out some time for me."

The way she had gestured toward Bernie, Kate understood that Bernie was going to be in Kate's bed tonight. Both the men were extremely identical, their heights, health, clothes. Both of them were wearing white t-shirts, blue jeans and black jackets. Looking at them, the first thing that came out of her mouth was, "Whoa, are you guys twins?"

Both of them smiled like they must do all the time someone would ask them. Dave replied, "No, we are cousins."

"Ok. By the way, hello." Kate said finally.

"Hello," Bernie said with his arm snaking around Maya's waist.

"Hello, Kate. That's a beautiful name." It was Dave who put his elbows on the little table they were surrounding and looking too deep into her eyes.

"Thank You."

Once they started drinking, Kate forgot everything about her day, her boss, or the next day of her job. It was when she and Maya were sitting on a large corner couch that the thought of next day struck her and it must have shown on her face because Maya asked, "What is wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. It's just some office stuff." Kate tried to shoo away the tension.

"I am all ears."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Did you have so much to drink?" Kate asked in surprise.

"No, why?" Maya was confused by the question.

"Because you are never interested in my boring office stuff."

"Fuck. Yes, I don't like your boring office bullshit but I am always here, listening to your problems." Maya said while looking for the guys in the crowd who were out for getting them more drinks.

"You know that's why I love you." Kate stood up from her place and hugged her best friend tightly making her uncomfortable on purpose.

"Come on, Kate. Don't you dare start kissing me now."

"Sorry." Kate pulled back and sat on the couch.

"Now are you going to tell me?" Kate poured out everything.

"You know, you should have punched him in the gut and then between his legs" Maya said in a cool tone.

"Hell, my palm is still stinging after the mere slap. Had I punched him in the stomach, my arm must have come off."

"Seriously? I have taught you better, sis."

"You haven't taught me a fucking thing."

"Oh, I have taught you to not ward off every guy you see. I have taught you or tried to teach you to get laid."

"Okay. I am still a virgin so your lessons have been in vain."

"Fine. Now listen to me. I know your boss and I know he is a hot deal. If he ever tries anything with you ever again, make sure to punch him in the gut and teach him a lesson. His Dad is already on your side, so I guess, there won't be a problem. Right? " Maya was anxious.

"Right." Kate tried to smile, thinking about the way how her best friend could make everything look so much easier.

"Now, one more question?" Maya looked hopefully into Kate's eyes.

"And, what is that?" Kate has understood that her friend has some mischief on her mind.

"You don't want any of these two handsome hunks, do you?"

"Nope." Kate replied with her head.

"So, I can keep them both?" Maya's eyes were really sparkling.

"Both?" Kate raised her eyebrows.

"Yes both. It seems like they don't do anything without each other. They can rock my night." Maya giggled like those schoolgirls.

"And how do you know that they will accept what you are offering?"

"I just know." She replied as the men came over. It had been sometime after midnight when Dave and Bernie dropped her to her place in their Volkswagen and went away with Maya sitting in Bernie's lap in car as Dave drove while her legs on his crotch drove him crazy. Kate just went in, changed and dozed off in a deep slumber.

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