Chapter 9

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When he reached his home, or his parental home, the butler informed him that his father was waiting for him in the study. He did not used to come here every night. His apartment and his bachelor pad were enough for him but he did tonight because he was not feeling well about a few things, about what he was doing, about life. His mind was thinking about the evening's events and he didn't want to interrupt his thoughts about Kate. But he had to see his father.

As soon as he entered the study, his father asked, "What in the heaven you were doing with Kate?"

"Dad, I am not as bad the person as you think of me", he replied calmly.

"I know that. But I remember you saying that she is not your type", he asked, while looking at him sharply. Damon suspected if Kate had told him what happened between them but she was not that senseless.

"Of course, she is not. I don't need to like a girl to say sorry to her", he said and then regretted saying it.

"Sorry? You said sorry? For what? What did you do that made you say sorry? Because as much as I know my son he can't say sorry even for a murder, then why in the hell did you say sorry?" Mr. Clarke shot every question with concern on his face and Damon understood how much his dad cared about her.

"Relax, Dad. It's something between her and me. And don't worry, I didn't sleep with her or gave her any such proposal."

"I am not saying that you did that, son. But she is a nice girl, don't wrong her."

"And what about her doing wrong to him?" he thought.

"I won't, dad. Good Night", he said and exit the study before his dad could say thing else. His father's concern for her bothered him, but what was bothering him most was the slap. He remembered her face when she was looking at his car when he left and for a second, he was thoughtful but he couldn't help it. Our emotions take over our intelligence sometimes.

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