legitimate mental illness pt 4

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Cayatana reached the lake just after what was considered late noon. Dressed in a sage frock with  a sweetheart neckline, she had her hair pinned up with a few loose curls to frame her face. She had a small umbrella decorated in white lace in her hand to shield her from the sun. 

Cayatana despised an uneven tan. 

Nearing the shore of the lake, she spotted Stavros waving to her.

"Princess," he called out. 

Cayatana curtsied in greeting, a smile on her face before she noticed the crown of slate curls just to Stavros's side. 

Cayatana had met Viseris's eyes at the same moment he had. He looked slightly shocked, she was sure she had a similar look on her face. He looked freshly bathed, he probably smelled like soap and—

Shaking her head, Cayatana schooled her face. It was just her luck. She had managed to avoid close interactions with him for nearly a month and now she had to be in close proximity to him twice in one day. 

She resumed her walk to the dock built just along the shore of the lake. He would not rattle her, for she was a mountain, she was steady, she was solid. 

Stavros rose to help her into the boat once she reached the end of the dock's walk way. Offering her his hand, she accepted it and stepped into the boat. Ignoring the raven haired prince's gaze as she did. 

Instead, Cayatana turned her attention to the marvel of wood beneath her. It was a long boat, made out of what she assumed to be red oak, if its color was any indication. the craftsman ship was impeccable. The shape reminded her of a gondola, though it was on the shorter side. It had 3 benches in its belly, each lined with a fabric and a few pillows for comfort. 

Once she was settled, Stavros took a seat beside her, leaving Viseris settled directly before her.

"He lost a wager with me, so it will be up to him to row us round to our hearts content," Stavros declared. 

Viseris rolled his eyes, "It was not so much as a losing a wager, as it was blatant deceit." 

That piqued Cayatana's intrest. Raising her eye brow, she silently urged for Viseris to continue. 


Stavros, cut him off, "We simply waged to see what flavor of tea our mother would have for her afternoon cup, and he guessed wrong."

Viseris laughed at that, a deep rich sound, "You think me a fool?" He turned to Cayatana, his eyes meeting hers. Looking into his eyes was like gazing into a clear night sky, so late that even the stars had gone to sleep. 

"Our mother has been drinking the same kind of tea for her afternoon cup since I was born," the Crown Prince began, "without compromise."

"So you mean to tell me you she has been drinking the same kind of tea for 23 years and you still lost?"

Viseris glared at her at that, Stavros laughed. "Will you allow me to finish? I was merely pausing for the effect." 

"By all means, your Highness, continue." 

Viseris rolled his eyes again, "What he did not inform me before he made the wager, was that he had bought mother a new tea from the east, something with hibiscus and wild flowers," he explained, "and made her promise to drink it today."

"Upon my word," Cayatana laughed, "that is deceitful indeed."

"It is not my fault that he fell into my trap so easily." 

"You promised you had done nothing to sway your victory," Viseris chided his younger brother. 

"Again, it is not my fault you are blinded by your love for me."

Viseris had a look of disgust on his face, but he did not argue his brother's claim.

"I should have smothered you when we were children," Viseris quipped. 

The boat rang out in laughter at that. 


Moments later, Viseris had rowed them out about a dozen feet from the dock of the lake. The water was crystal blue, the edges of the lake were lined with foliage and reeds. The sun was hitting the water with its orange rays as it begun to slowly set. 

Cayatana leaned over the edge of the boat to watch the water a bit closer, when a small splash sounded beneath her. Quickly reaching up to clasp her necklace, she realized it was gone. 

A rush of panic took over her, as she reached into the water to try and grab it. 

"What is it," Viseris asked, his tone worried. 

"My- my necklace, my mothers necklace just fell into the water!"

"Do not worry, " Stavros declared, "I will find it for you." 

"Allow me row us back to shore and Stavros and I will return to look for it, the lake is not very deep here and it will do us no good if you topple over." 

"Yes, Viseris is correct, let us take you back to the dock and we'll find it," Stavros agreed. 

Cayatana was still flooded with panic. 

Viseris caught her gaze, "Do not worry," he said. 

Though Stavros had said the same words just moments before, Cayatana felt herself relaxing and nodded. 

As soon as she was safely back on the deck, Viseris turned the boat back to where they were and shed his tail coat and boots before stepping into the cool water. Stavros followed suit, the water coming up just below their hips. 

The pair fully dove into the water, coming back for gulps of air every so often before diving back down. 

Cayatana could only look on with worry. Her mother had given her that necklace the day she set out to Maldovia. The thought that it might be lost forever left her terrified. 

After what felt like a lifetime, Stavros pulled his hand from the water, her mothers necklace harbored in it. Relief flooded her to the point that she almost cried. She noticed Viseris had a look of confusion on his face, but before she could scrutinize it, his features were neutral again. Had she imagined it? 

When her eyes caught his, he shot her a small smile. Her heart did a stupid flip that she attributed to stress. 

The brothers climbed back into the boat and returned to the dock. 

Their feet had barely settled on the dock's edge before Cayatana rushed forward. "Thank you, thank you so much Prince Stavros. I can not explain to you how much this means to me," she said. 

"Think nothing of it," Stavros smiled. "May I?" 

Cayatana turned, letting him place the damp necklace back onto her neck. 

Turning back to face the Princes, Cayatana realized she forgot her manners. 

"Forgive me, your highness," she said to Viseris, "Thank you as well for looking for my necklace. I appreciate you both beyond words." 

Viseris nodded, "You are most ardently welcome." 

The pang in her heart left her speechless. Instead of replying, she gave a quick bow and excused herself to retire to her chambers. 

With that the trio returned to their respective rooms, Cayatana left the lake with her hand still clasped around her necklace. 


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