legitimate mental illness pt 4.5

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Viseris returned to his chambers, drenched, his hand clasping the necklace in his pocket. He leaned against the heavy mahogany door to his rooms as he pieced together his memories. 


As Viseris walked to his brother's rooms he was stopped by the sight of Stavros and who he recognized to be the Princess's maid, Sarah, speaking in low tones.

The pair had broken apart once Stavros had noticed his brother. Viseris, tipped his head by way of greeting as Stavros approached him. 

"Brother," Stavros said, clapping Viseris on the back. 

Viseris shot a glance at the scurrying maid.  

"I was merely asking her if she might deliver a missive to the Princess for me," Stavros explained. 

Viseris nodded despite his skeptical thoughts. Though he loved his brother, Stavros was not the type to volunteer information needlessly. He was hiding something, but what ever might be, it was probably harmless. His brother was more deceitful than he was malicious. 

"Shall we make haste?" Stavros asked, "I am eager to put you to work, but worry not, I am a gracious victor."

Viseris rolled his eyes, "You are the only person I know who would dare to uphold the verdict of an illegitimate wager." 

"How am I to blame when it was you who failed to research your mark properly."

"You exaggerate too much," Viseris laughed, "Mother's tea is not the feat you claim it to be." 

"You say that, Eris, but it is not myself who shall be rowing you around the lake in the coming hours." 

Viseris pinched his brother's cheek. 

"Upon my word," Stavros yelped, his hand pressed to his face.

"Oh, pardon me," Viseris said dryly, "it merely appeared to me that you were in surplus." 

Once the joke had landed, Stavros groaned to stifle his laughter, "You are not the humorist you believe yourself to be, brother." 

"Then why do you struggle to maintain your composure," Viseris quipped.

Stavros made a face that could only be described as a pout and tugged on his brothers sleeve. 

"Enough of your silver tongue, Eris, let us make haste." 

The brothers made it to the lake in record time thanks to Stavros's nagging. 

Viseris was settled in the boat ready to leave, but his brother stopped him. 

"Just a moment," Stavros said.

What was he waiting for? 


"Princess," Stavros called out. Waving the Anatolian Princess over. 

Viseris had looked at her, watching as she neared and caught his eyes. 

She was stunned at the sight of him. 

Damn it. 

Perhaps he should feign illness. Seeing her twice in the same day would probably cause his heart to burst. If anything, he was taking a preventative measure. 

While he was concocting an excuse to flee, he caught sight of Cayatana taking his brothers hand. A bite of jealousy ran through him, and suddenly he was reminded of the way her palm felt against his. Not that he thought of that night infrequently enough to need reminders, not when his dreams did enough recounting. 

And yet the object of those dreams seemed to follow him even when he was awake. It seemed there was no where far enough in this palace to be rid of the thought of her. 

He might as well relish in the sight of her while he could, and so he abandoned his plans of escaping and resettled himself in his seat, his hands wrapping around the oars of the boat. 

Cayatana sat on the bench before him, her eyes avoiding his gaze.

Her eyes looked as though someone had managed to take an image of the sun peaking through the trees and trap it in her irises. Sunshine and vines. Stunning. 

The rest of the afternoon had gone amiably, until Cayatana's necklace fell into the water. 

Viseris heard the sound of the splash more than he saw it. Cayatana was shocked into a panic. 

He suggested that she wait back on shore, it would do none of them any good if she attempted to help with the search and fell in. 

There was no current in the lake, so once he and Stavros had begun their search it was only a matter of time before one of them found it. Viseris stole a large breath of air before diving into the water again. After a few moments, he felt his hand coming around a chain. He rose from the water, catching his breath. 

And then he heard his brother declare that he had found the necklace. Confusion took root on his face for a moment, seeing the mirror image of the necklace his brother held sitting in his own palm. When Cayatana's gaze found his, he quickly shoved the necklace in his pocket. Viseris schooled his features, smiling at her instead. 


Viseris pulled the necklace from his pocket, examining the emerald embedded in between the golden vines. It was a remarkable fake, his brother had outdone himself. The scheming bastard. 

With a sigh, Viseris ran a hand through his hair, pushing away the memory of the way Cayatana smiled at Stavros while he did nothing but distantly watch. The jealousy threatened to eat him alive. 

He placed the necklace on a desk in his rooms and began to change out of his drenched clothes. 


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