Chapter 1 - (Act 1)

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"Sometimes sacrificing everything is what it takes." 

"Don't let that thought consume you."

Y/n heard this replay in her head over and over as she laid bloody on the floor as the world slowly began to crumble around her as Jinx stood with her gun held up in shock tears falling from her eyes as she finally began to realise what she had just done. Watching the love of her life bleed out, all because of possessiveness, jealousy and greed. The voices of the others screaming out Y/ns' name at Jinx were worse than her own haunting of her past ghosts.

Greed for love, touch, and the sense of humanity, to quiet the voices. 

But for Y/n, all those voices calling to her got quieter,

and quieter,

and quieter.

7 Years Earlier

"Mom! Why can't we go to Caitlyn?" A small fourteen-year-old Y/n whiled watching her mother pace around packing up her bag shoving small bits and pieces. 

"Honey, I know you both get along really well but you cannot keep sneaking off over to her house every second day without permission!" She announced sternly with agitation lacing her voice. Not knowing what to say Y/n shut her mouth glancing around the room as she lay on her stomach, her head resting in her crossed arms. 

"Come on Y/n, let's go and check on your father." Y/n had almost forgotten all about him, she jumped up from the long sofa and hopped towards the door wanting to leave in the hopes of bumping into her friend, and that is exactly what happened.

Walking along the street in her rather expensive clothing belt and jacket wrapped around her she saw her beloved friend. "Caitlyn!" She screeched running out of her mothers' reach before tackling her into a tight hug.

"Y/n!" She cried, embracing Y/n again, "I have missed you so much!"

"Y/n darling, we have to go!" Her mother attempted to intervene only for Caitlyn to ask in her beautiful accent, " Please could you leave her here for a little while?"

Before her mother could shut Caitlyn down Y/n spoke up, "I will meet you over at dads station!"

Looking between the two girls Y/N's mother hesitantly stated, "twenty minutes, max!"

And with that Y/n disappeared off with Caitlyn, the two ran down the main road being watched carefully by the guards knowing that Kirammans child was wandering the street. after trying to lose sight of the guards for too long, Y/n began to climb up a building grabbing onto the ledge, she reached down in order to help pull Caitlyn up to the top of the rather small building in a city of skyscrapers.

The two sat there talking for well over an hour and could not stop themselves from talking. 

Once a silence overcame the two Y/n leaned back on her arms sighing and examining the sky while Caitlyn sat uneasily, her thumbs fiddling until she finally built up the courage to talk to Y/n about something that has been sticking in her head for the last year, "You know Y/n, when we are older, I know our parents will want our families to align under a legal agreement. But I do not want that to be the reason we maintain friends. I want us to... care for each other when we are older because of something else, not because it's easy."

There was a throbbing feeling in her chest that she couldn't control and she knew this was unusual for how old she was being a year and a half older than the H/c girl, "I just want us to..."

"Caitlyn, I'll tell you this. No matter what when we are older I will take care of you because I love you so much, you understand?" 

Once Caitlyn heard this her face grew red but Y/n continued, "We will always be together and nothing will get between us! No husband of yours ever will come between you and I." She stated glaring into her gorgeous blue eyes seriously not blinking and leaning towards the young woman. 

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