Chapter 2 - "She Sticks With Us."

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"What were you thinking Little Man!" Milo screeched as the child of Piltover examined Benzo's shop while the group watched her anxiously from the attic while a big man who was sitting down at the table with who she could only assume was Benzo, due to the name of the shop, began to speak. "What brought you down here?"

When the group heard the murmurs coming from the reconstructed Gramophone. With this, all the kids piled up on one another, hitting the device to hear what they were saying clearer while Vi stood back from the group examining the girl through the goggles.

"Ekko, the boy I walked in with brought me here."

Vander laughed at her response and leaned down to her level elbows on his knees as he shook his head chuckling, "No one comes down here unless they are looking for something kiddo."

Looking up at this fully grown man calling her 'kiddo', she already thought he was nicer than her own parents. "So what is it that you are looking for?"

"Leave the girl be Vander. She isn't here to cause trouble, and that's what matters." the larger man said, glancing around at what the young girl was so enamoured by.

"It's captivating down here... but how do you all get so tough... living down here." The naive girl questioned poking at the odd piece of metal. Vander shook his head, sighing, "You know, we have to be tough or else you won't survive. You know, those kids you came in here with... they have been through a lot, and they have a lot more to go through before they are going to be able to survive here without us."

Vi watched with her breath hitched in her throat, knowing what Vander was saying was aimed at her, causing her to look at the three more intently.

"They are Lucky to have Vi if anything were to happen to either of us" He motioned between himself and Benzo, "Whereas you, you'd need your parents sooner than they would which is why you cannot live down here for too long. Sadly, being from Piltover puts a target on your back."

"Well, someday I'm going to help these people, I won't be from Piltover at that point. I want to be tough, and strong like all of you guys."

"Well kid, stick around and you will see what it's like soon enough." Benzo laughed whilst slobbering slightly before wiping it away realising how animalistic it must have seemed before excusing himself.

"Where are your parents anyways? We'd better get you back to them. I doubt they let you come over here upon their free will." Vander raised a brow, hearing the question Y/n didn't want to respond, she wanted nothing more than to stay there and prove a point that she wouldn't go crying back to her mother and father. Then the most perfect lie hit her like a pebble from a slingshot, "They died,"

She looked down at the baton in guilt from her lie only for Vander to follow her gaze to the Enforcers' baton. "Oh, I see." He nodded in condolence.

"You're more than welcome to stay with either of us, dearie!" Benzo offered, causing her to look up in shock. "No way, how do I learn to be formidable like you guys?"

Benzo chuckled at her use of words, thinking that it was a dead giveaway that she was already well-educated in her own language and more than likely in a multitude of other subjects.

"Vi will show you quick enough. If you like you can go to their game room?"

"What? So now we are just helping every runt without parents!" Milo complained, earning a glare from Powder, "You're just worried she will take Vis' second place spot for her favourite!"

"What did you say you little -"

"Milo!" Vi barked, causing Vander, Benzo, and Y/n to look towards the small visor that Vi was looking through, causing her to take a step back.

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