Chapter 3 - "Get Tagged Or Jump."

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The two boys scattered through the doors speeding up to the new girl causing her to recoil taking a few steps back closer to the short blue-haired girl. Powder took the opportunity to grab y/n's hand. She looked at the girl confused only to see an innocent pleased smile, she couldn't help but smile back at the girl only to get brought back to reality of the two boys flailing around on the floor struggling to get back up.

"You! We have an idea for you!" Milo scrambled pointing at Y/n

Powder huffed correcting Milo wanting him to hold more respect for the beautiful girl. "Her name is Y/n!"

"Her name is Y/n." Milo mimicked in an attempt to irritate powder causing her to clench her hand around Y/n's in frustration without realising. Y/n gently squeezed her hand trying her best to keep Powder calm and gently moved Powder to stay behind her.

Vi observed the girl's manner and protectiveness of Powder. She couldn't help but let the tough glare Vi gave Y/n slip slightly. Y/N's face hardened as she took in the 'rugged' boy who knew she could snap him like a twig if it came to it. She straightened her posture to have every hight advantage she could considering how she was still smaller than him.

Milo squirmed away from her protective glare and instead turned to Vi. "We need to take her on a job!"

"Not a chance," She looked between Milo and the newbie when she came up with an idea. "I think we should start with a game of tag."

Vi was grinning devilishly looking around, 'She will get used to the surroundings quickly that way and it might encourage her to climb.' - That was all she was thinking.

"One." She said closing her eyes. The boys scrambled out the door while Y/n stood there confused, Powder began to drag her out of the room and Powder immediately let go of Y/n's hand climbing up a wall to get on top of a building. After making it up successfully Y/n followed getting up halfway before she began to struggle slightly. Seeing Powder reach out her hand to help Y/n reached up one of her hands losing her balance she fell to the ground landing on her back forcing all the air to escape her lungs. She turned on her side and got up only to see Vi exit the building.

"That wasn't ten seconds!" Powder whined from the top of the building while Vi and Y/n held eye contact. Y/n was careful not to move until Vi made a slow step forward causing Y/n to abandon the side of the building and sprint as fast as her legs could bring her.

Vi was stunned by the speed the girl took off at. She made sure to try and stay on her track. Y/n was swerving between alleys and buildings she had never seen before until she arrived at a small shack connected to a bigger building sprawling up the shack onto the bigger building she began running from roof to roof getting on top of increasingly higher buildings jumping between them. She made sure to look from roof to roof for the blue hair to go towards, as well as keeping a cautious eye for the pink-haired girl to avoid.

Without noticing she had come to the edge of the roof and the next closest building to her wasn't close enough. By the time she had looked down to the street below her she had realised she had climbed a few floors too high. Backing away she went to go back the way she came only to see the pink-haired girl climbing up the roof. she looked back down the building to the street seeing little to no ledges to cling onto dear life for.

Just as she was about to back track she saw the pink-haired girl's head bob up and down as she elevated herself up onto the roof cornering her. She held out her hand to Y/n, meanwhile Y/n thought Vi was accepting her with a 'fair game' handshake, she couldn't have been more wrong.

Y/n was about to take Vi's hand when the pink haired girl spoke up, "Two options, get tagged or jump."

"W-what?" She recoiled her hand, quickly. She thought of the options and looked at Vi's hand reluctantly. In Vi's head, she knew the girl would back down and take her hand, a prim girl trying to act all tough and now she could prove she wasn't built for the lanes.

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