Obey me AU 1

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I was thinking abt different ways that the main Obey me plot could have gone,,, mostly with the thought of a human exchange student! Imagine if there were two (both mortal, sorry solomon) humans, and both lived in the HoL (pretending that there's separate rooms for both of them,,, or they share the same room maybe?

Except one of the humans, the "chosen one", is evil, and power-hungry. Like,,, manipulative and acts all sweet and caring but is really on a mission to sacrifice the other mc. And, of course, the evil mc meets Belphie in the attic and sees right through his lies, promising to essentially sacrifice the other human to him, give him someone to get his aggression out on. In exchange? He would make a pact with them, giving them more power. 

But sadly, the other human, the good mc follows everything, does everything by the book. They stay out of everyone's way and listens to every single one of the rules that Lucifer told them. 

Evil mc puts on a display of acting kind and friendly to get the pacts from the brothers and to gain their friendship while also acting sweetly to kind mc. Kind mc is none the wiser and also gets close to the brothers, but without the powers of the pacts. 

Here's where the story somewhat branches off... imagine if one of the brothers (let's say the one closest to them, or Mammon, since he's always around them and he's perceptive) picks up on the little clues. He notices how evil mc looks at kind mc, the sudden bouts of violence against kind mc, the teases that seem to be a little too serious. If he's close enough with them, maybe he'll make a pact with kind mc out of concern for them.

In the end, evil mc makes them follow them into the attic, where they're killed by belphie and they almost get another pact, until Belphie tries to attack them and exposes their plan to the rest of the brothers; calling humans monsters and asking how anyone could betray one of their own kind, one of their "friends" over something like a pact. Evil mc could either play the innocent card, or... they get exposed. Now the brothers have one dying exchange student, and another in jail (or somewhere else until Diavolo figures out what to do). 

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