Mars rover

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"It is not that big of a deal," Satan sits across from the sniffling human as they wipe at their eys with their already damp sleeve, making Asmo's reassuring hand on their shoulder tighten it's grip as he pulls them in for a firm hug. 

"My Dear, just stop thinking about it," He coos, wiping away their tears with a manicured thumb as he tries his best to fix their hair and clothing. The human only whimpers before more tears stream down their face as they suddenly jolt, shifting to bury their face in the avatar of lust's shoulder as their body shakes with silent sobs. Levi looks away, biting his lip and attempting to take as deep breaths as possible to avoid the snickers that crept up his throat. 

"MC," Lucifer looks up from his paperwork. He'd decided to do his work in the common room that night and, unfortunately, had to be made witness to the glory that was Human Empathy. He stands and walks over to them, kneeling in front of them and trying to grab their hands, talking to them in the same tone he'd used on his brothers when they were much younger. "It didn't have a soul."

"You-" They choke out between sobs. "You don't know that-!"

"We do," Belphie chimes in, laying on his stomach on the other side of MC and propping his head up with his hands. "We can tell." The other brothers nod in agreement, trying to soothe the distressed human, their sorrow palpable in the air and causing their hearts to break. Beel gently offers them a sip of soda, hoping the sweetness could make them feel a little bit better. 

"It couldn't hurt," The ginger offers, unsure of what to add to make them feel better. "If it did have a soul, it's in a better place now-" A harsh jab in the ribs from Mammon makes him bite back a quiet hiss, deciding to drop his comforting phrases in confusion. 

"Did-did you see him?" They whine, shoulders shaking pathetically as Asmo hushes them once more, earning them a drawn-out groan from Belphie as he buries his face into the couch cushions. "Bu-but-" They blubber. 

"It was a robot, MC. Robots don't have feelings, or souls," Lucifer continues, his words slow as he tries to reach the human. 

"He's right," Satan chimes in. "Only living creatures have souls- animals, humans, things like that- but not robots."

"He-he said- his last words-"

"I know Sweetie, I know-" Asmo's voice is soft as he pulls them in for another hug. 

"Cut that out-" Mammon rests on the back of the couch, arms hanging loosely on the side as one of his ringed hands rubs along the human's back. "It's alright, yeah?" His head shoots up as he practically glares daggers at Levi. "Why'd ya have to tell them about the stupid rover?!"

"I didn't think they'd be this upset about it!" Levi's voice hitches up an octave as he scoffs and crosses his arms. "How was I supposed to know they'd be sad over a robot!"

"He wasn't just a robot!" The human pouts, sniffling back the tears that threatened to fall once more. Lucifer sits back, sighing in defeat. "He-he sung happy birthday to himself- he-he w-was all alone!" They break into more sobs. 

"MC," Belphie groans. "He was programmed to do that! That's what robots do!" 

"How did he know i-it was getting dark? He knew he was dying, and he was all alone in space!" The human argues, swallowing another sob. 

Belphie, fed up with the constant sniffling and back-and-forth, decides to follow his twin's route. "Wherever he is now, he's okay. He's probably safe with all the other robots."

MC, shockingly, nods and sniffles. Levi feels a twinge of guilt over their distress, looking over to their puffy face and runny nose as their head rests on Asmo's shoulder, breath coming out in short hiccups and sighs. He guessed it was his fault for telling them. 

"I feel better now... thanks, guys," They chuckle, wiping their eyes one last time (this time with Satan's handkerchief) and sitting up a little straighter. "I feel a little silly now..." 

"It's my fault, MC," His voice comes out much weaker than he'd wanted it to, but he says it, burning face or not. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you about Oppy-"

"Levi you dumbass!" Mammon hisses. Levi's eyebrows knit on his forehead as his gaze shifts from his intertwined hands in his lap to the humans wide, teary eyes as their hand slowly raises to cover their mouth. 

"...His name was Oppy?" They say, voice a heartbroken whisper above the once-serenity of the room. Levi tries to ignore his brother's glares as the sniffles resume, hurriedly mentioning something about grabbing them a snack as he all but sprints out of the room. 

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