Test Flight

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A/N: Idk why I've been on a Mammon kick lately?? I feel bad bc my go-to is normally Beel but I struggle to write him ;;;;;;; 

It started out with a simple comment. 

One offhanded mumble under their breath, followed by a dreamy sigh as they rested their cheek further into their palm, elbow propped up on the arm of the couch. With the noise of his brothers and the movie that was blaring on the speakers of his large, rather expensive television- a human movie- one would think he couldn't hear anything. One the human told him they grew up watching, about a boy and a dragon and how the two would soon change their small world forever with one small friendship. 

Mammon had turned it down with a scoff, claiming that he had much cooler movies to watch than that weird human kid's movie (the truth is, he would watch anything they told him to, the heartstruck fool he was). He was actually enjoying it, the soundtrack was something he made a mental note to add to his playlist, and the small scenes were heartwarming. 

To make it even better, he had stolen the seat right next to his human with very little fighting involved. Maybe it was pure luck, or his brothers finally understanding what was his (they, in fact, did not understand what was his still). But, he considered it fate that he could sit next to them and hear that small sigh, the way their eyes drifted into that dreamy haze of theirs. 

"I wish I could fly," Barely a whisper, a soft breath against the cushion of the couch.

Mammon never thought too much about his abilities, aside from the fact that he was one of the lucky few of his brothers to keep the gift of flight after their fall. Sure, it was an easy way to get around and his wings did prove useful when it came to scoring more modeling gigs (though, he really hated when they draped all those fabrics over them. He swore they itched for days afterward and didn't sit right for at least a week). 

To be human, to never know the freedom of the clouds, the frozen sting of the wind against your face? He couldn't imagine it. 

He could barely sit still the rest of the movie, their comment playing on repeat in his mind as it spun and wove until, before he knew it, the credits were rolling and Lucifer was ushering everyone else to their rooms. He could try to convince the human to stay, however... he had other things to do. Sudden plans he told them (surely they'd assume he was going for a late-night run at the casino and would be none the wiser).

Mammon wanted to wait, he swore that he would find the right time, but he couldn't help himself. He blames his sin, berating it in his mind as he finds himself at their door late into the night. The wood groans as he shuffles his feet, the door in front of him much more imposing in the darkness of the candle-lit hallway than it seemed hours ago when he appeared to drag them to his room for the movie. He can't seem to stifle the way his shoulders jump as the door creaks open. 

"Mmn... why are you here so late?" The human, his human, in their pajamas rubbing their eye with the back of their knuckle. He resisted the urge to fix their loose collar, but...

"Get dressed!" He hears them groan and can't bite back the grin that stretches across his face. "'less you wanna go outside lookin' like that," he can't help but wince internally at the sound of his own voice, at the tone of which that phrase was spat out harsher than he meant. 

You're beautiful, he wanted to say, to suddenly correct himself, no matter what you're wearing. 

"Why are we going outside?" 

"Enough questions! C'mon!" he shoves them gently back inside their room, waiting outside and trying to ignore his heart hammering inside his chest. A part of him was anxious about the whole event- what if they hated it? Or if they thought he was creepy for taking that comment so seriously? They weren't... scared of heights, were they? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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