This Is The End

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A/N: Yes, yes, I know it's been 4 months since the last update but here is the new one! I'm thinking about writing a sequel to this "book" so stay in tuned for that.Enjoy!

*4 Months Later*


"That's the last box, guys! Now we just need to take the bed down and that'll be it- Oh! I forgot to clean out the fridge!" I said as I made my way out the bedroom.

Update on how I'm feeling: great!

It's been a while since I've talked to Beth. Oh, well. I've just realized that things are going great. A new job, new house, old state... of course.

Eggs... Bacon... Sausage...

I heard a tiny knock on the door. Walking over to the door I was wondering who it could be. It can't be the girls, they said their goodbyes and went on tour. The boys... Who knows where they are. Beth... Standing there as I opened the door.

"Hey..." She tucked her hair behind her ears,

"so you're moving?" She smiled.

I nodded putting one hand on my neck and slightly turned around.

"Yeah." I gulped, "so how are you?"

Beth took a look around. "I'm good. Where are you moving?"

"Back to Minnesota... And that's great. I-I mean you're good and that's great not me moving to Minnesota great well I mean it is bu-"

"Why are you leaving? Honestly. Is it me?" She tucked in her arms and looked down.

"... Beth-"

"No, Connor. You know... I tried talking to you, you just didn't care to reply so I thought I'd do it person."

"It's just-"

"We were never a thing, Connor... That came out wrong. What I'm trying to say is, whatever we did didn't really mean anything to me. I mean, it did but... Derek? That was a prank video-"

I had to cut her off, "You broke my heart, Beth... Now if you could move, the movers are trying to get through..." I got out of the doorway and so did she. That was the last time I saw her today. I know it. She disappeared with the movers.



I... Have never felt this way before. I don't want Connor to leave... I don't ever want him to. I sat on my bed and laid just thinking about what I should've said.

Airport! I grabbed my keys and drove off to the airport.


Florida... France... Massachusetts... Missouri- Minnesota!

Connor, Connor, please.

I rushed and ran and shoved people out of the way. This is harder than it is in the movies.

"Attention: Flight to Minnesota leaves in exactly two minutes."

Fuck! No! There were no signs of Connor. Don't tell me he's on the plane! I slowly walked behind a married couple hoping I could get on the plane right before I got stopped.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Do you have a plane ticket?" The lady asked.

"Uh.. Me? No, no. Me no engles." I pointed to myself. Well if it was worth getting Connor.

"You can't enter the plane if you don't have a ticket. I'm sorry." She pointed to a piece of blank paper.

That's a blank piece of paper you idiot! Gosh. I need to get in... I just need Connor.

"Attention: The plane to Minnesota is now leaving."

I looked out the window and held the glass. I watched the plane drive away... I watched it fly off... I watched a new plane fly in with different people walking in... And then I went home.

Laying on my bed, I touched the spot where Connor last sat. I covered myself with all my blankets and cried wishing Connor was here. Oh, fuck him! He didn't even give me a chance to explain.



"Uhh, flight to Minnesota?" I ran up the lady standing by the door to a plane.

"That plane left hours ago, sir. I'm sorry." She said.

"B-b-but my ticket said 9:30 p.m." I gave her the ticket.

"You wrote down your own arrival time, sir." She chuckled.

Oh... Beth...

I called my parents telling them I won't be returning to Minnesota. There's something I've got to do.

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