I Covered My Arms

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"Go back for her."



I freaking U-Turned and drove back for her as my tears raced down my face. I knew it wasn't mine. How could I just believe her-

"Jade!" I screamed. I slammed on the brakes and quickly got out of the car. I wiped my tears as I ran towards her.

"Jade... I'm so sorry..." I couldn't hold back my tears. I picked her up and got into the car. Off the to hospital.


I stood outside of her room and waited for my parents. As soon as I lifted my head up, Matt was in front of me. His fist felt like a million bricks had landed on my face.

"What did you do to her?" He yelled and held back tears with his arm to my neck.

"Uh, father?" The nurse called.

"Me." We both said at the same time.

"Me!" Matt pushed me back and walked toward the nurse.

"I'm sorry... But it seems like Jade had a miscarriage." She said.

I put both of my hands behind my neck and looked up then I slowly looked down at Matt on his knees.

I walked towards him but he quickly got up.

"You fucking did this! You killed that baby. Great. Did you do this so you could go back to California and live your precious life? Yeah, probably!" His eyes were red.



I was able to go into her room. I sat beside her and held her hand as she woke up.

"Matt..." She quietly said.

"Shh." I smiled with tears in my eyes.

"Is the baby okay...?" She asked while she looked around. Then slowly, they landed back on me.

"Babe... You had a miscarriage. You were also unconscious due to blood loss." A tear streaked down my cheek.

"What... No..." She cried and gripped on hand.

I got up from my chair and kissed her hand as I got on my knee.

"I picked out a ring yesterday before I heard you were in the hospital. Jade, I only ask one thing," I pulled the ring out. "And that one question is... Will you marry me? We might not have the baby but hey, you'll have me, our very own place and maybe we could try again. I talked to your dad about it and he confirmed it. So... Will you?"

She had her other hand on over her mouth and cried. Of course under her hand was a smile.

"Yes!" She cried faintly.

"I love you." I said as I bent down to hug her.



It's been three weeks since I've come back to Cali. I still feel miserable. Why did you slam on the brakes?! Do you know how stupid you are?! You fucking killed a baby... Who wasn't even finished developing yet...

I know.

I couldn't take it anymore. I let out all of my tears and with that I went into the bathroom and shut the door.


I heard a faint voice... It sounded like Jade. "Connor!"

I woke up. Troye?

"Troye... Troye!" I quickly got up and covered my arms. His face was blank.

A/N: how was that chapter?! I'm glad you guys liked it (; okay xD I hope you guys loved it! Be sure to vote! Thank you guys.


This Love Is Bad (Cethany FanFic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora