and they were roommates

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and they were roommates


Hyunjin finds an outfit of his roommate (and camboy) Felix that awakens some repressed feelings and leads to him wanting to bottom for the first time, and Felix kindly helps out.


This is based off my lovely friend and incredible artist Cami's (hjyb88) backstory to this masterpiece.

Thank you for the inspo angel <3

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Hyunjin sighed as he threw his phone down and willed himself to leave his bed. It was Sunday afternoon and he was yet to do any of the chores he had promised himself he would spend the day doing. 

He grabbed his laundry basket and padded to the kitchen, rolling his eyes when he saw that his roommate had left his own wet laundry inside the machine, waiting to be hung up.

"Felix?" he called out, towards the younger's room, but soon realised his roommate was out as usual. 

Sighing again, he grabbed the airer and started hanging up the wet clothes. He didn't mind, Felix was a good roommate most of the time and had helped Hyunjin out on more than one occasion, whether it be doing his forgotten dishes or rushing to his aid when he had locked himself out.

In general, the two got on well, but their relationship had never progressed past that of roommates. They shared small talk when they saw each other and had eaten dinner together a handful of times, but a friendship had never developed. 

They were two very different people - Felix was sociable and a party animal, always out drinking and smoking until the early hours. He listened to rock music and wore leather vests and chains. He was a camboy full time and had regular one night stands. Hyunjin was quiet, a typical misunderstood artist who liked to spend most of his time alone, in his room painting and listening to classical or soft pop music. He wore cardigans and oversized hoodies. He hadn't had sex since his last relationship as he wasn't a big fan of sex with strangers, and wasn't looking to date anyone while he finished his last year of university.

As he started hanging Felix's laundry up, he realised that it was all either lingerie or skimpy outfits he probably wore for work. He blushed as he held out a white lacy thong, trying not to imagine what his roommate would look like wearing it. He had never seen any of Felix's videos, not wanting to make things awkward between them, but he couldn't pretend the younger wasn't drop dead gorgeous. He had long black hair and big dark eyes, a smattering of freckles over his nose and cheekbones that were so soft in comparison to his tough demeanour. His plump heart shaped lips were usually holding a cigarette, but Hyunjin had wondered in the past whether they tasted as good as they looked.

He shook his head to free himself from his inappropriate thoughts and hung the thong up, grabbing the last few items from the machine and raising his eyebrows as he realised what they were. It seemed to be a matching set; the top was a little white bralet printed with a cat face and pink ears, and matched with a skimpy white tennis skirt that looked like it would barely cover anything. Hyunjin couldn't contain his shock at the outfit, which was so differentto anything he had seen Felix wear in the past. 

Just as he was hanging the skirt up, his roommate walked in the front door, wearing sunglasses and carrying a cup of coffee. 

"Ah, Hyunjin, sorry I would've hung those up," Felix smiled, gesturing to the washing now hanging on the airer.

"It's no problem, I needed to use the machine," Hyunjin responded, filling it with his own dirty washing and starting the cycle.

Felix just nodded, taking his sunglasses off and sitting at the small kitchen table to enjoy his coffee.

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