So stay

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Sometimes it happens that literally the whole world is against your relationship. The celebrity world is very complicated, how to keep pure sincere love in it, not paying attention to people?

An expensive black car was parked outside, the driver impatiently tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. The engine was running, foreshadowing the imminent return of the passenger. But the passenger, or rather it was a girl, did not want to return to the car, despite the need.

"Stay with me, I beg you," the man said tiredly and sadly, holding the girl by the hand so that she would stay with him.

"I can't, Sebastian, I have to go," the girl replied.

She showed with all her appearance how much she did not want to leave this cozy and managed to fall in love with her apartment.

The reality was that this relationship did not have a happy future. They are both actors and public figures, their schedules are complete madness, because they are both at the peak of their popularity and demand, one could only dream of frequent meetings in such conditions. Yes, and Hollywood will not forgive this couple for revealing the essence of their not quite working relationship. Well, fans are fans.

"I can't live without you, Jess, you understand? You are the meaning of my life. So please, don't leave," Stan was telling the truth, now he really couldn't not only live, but even exist without Jessica.

Jessica and Sebastian met a few years ago at a fashion show. Stan was invited as a guest, and Jess participated in the event as a model. Even then, when the girl passed right next to the man, a spark jumped between them. He invited her to a restaurant right after the after-party, where they also spent a lot of time together. After there were joint shootings, several high-profile projects, interviews and a lot of dirty rumors. Each of their interactions was met with a damn mountain of contradictions, but the celebrities themselves were not up to it. They were in love. Their meetings were carefully planned, and the bodyguards did not step aside from them, ensuring security and confidentiality. These "activities" were what both of them lacked, providing at least minimal contact and time for the two. But nothing can be eternal.

"And I can't live without you," the girl replied, clinging to the man with her whole body.

They hugged like never before. They embraced as if they met again after a painfully long separation. They pressed against each other, trying to get under the skin, to become even closer and never be apart again.

"Stay, it's so bad for us without each other." After all, I love you, Jess ..." Sebastian whispered into the girl's ear what he felt at that moment. In his words, he put all his deepest emotions and all his love for this incredible girl.

"I love you too, Sebastian. But this cannot go on forever. We need to open our relationship to the world. Or stop them ..." the last words escaped by chance, but they were the most important.

Well, this couple's fear of revealing the relationship should be explained, because it may not be so obvious.

In the world of show business, relationships are a very dangerous phenomenon. They can make someone popular and vice versa, they can build a career or ruin it in an instant. Fans make idols out of celebrities, which they fall in love with without memory, becoming obsessed. Who will like this?

Therefore, Jessica, oddly enough in her profession, being a calm and timid girl by nature in some things, was very worried about this. Stan respected this quality in a girl, never rushed her or forced her to anything, and over time he realized that she was right in some sense.

"I don't want to stop anything. I want to love you for the rest of my life. And I want you to be with me all this time."

Stan's declarations of love each time became more touching and touching, and during that evening he managed to utter them at least a dozen times. But his love really was as strong as he called it.

Sometimes people meet unnecessary people, but at the right time, and sometimes vice versa. That was what Sebastian and Jess seemed to be in: they were perfect for each other, but they met at a time that wouldn't allow them to be together without repercussions they didn't want to experience.

"Honey, look at me," the man said softly, without removing his hands from the girl's waist.

As if spellbound, the girl obeyed and raised her head. She met with her green eyes a pair of blue, like the sky and the endless ocean, eyes.

"I'm already tired of how people like you and me depend on the opinions of others, on the opinion of the public. I want us to be free from this. That's true, Jess, I now and always care and will care about you and only you."

The girl's legs buckled due to an overabundance of feelings, but Sebastian held her tightly and did not let go.

From the street came the signal of a car that was still waiting for Jessica. Hearing it, she abruptly pulled away from the man, moving a little further away from him.

If she left that night, she wouldn't find the strength to come back. Her measured life, if you can call it that, was very important for the girl. But even more important to her was love. The love of her life is Sebastian.

"The car's outside, but I don't want to go tonight..." Jess whispered softly.

"So stay," Stan replied and took the girl in the most tender embrace.

She stayed there, stayed with him, and they were never apart again. Because if feelings, if love is real, then it will overcome absolutely all the difficulties that can only be encountered on the way.

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