I'm actually feeling better

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I have battled with so many issues in my life. Those issues have consumed me. I will no longer allow them to get in the way of my happiness, it's crazy to believe that I'm still here. Depression is a very serious illness that needs to be addressed at its earliest. Don't wait as I have, it'll only make it that much harder to get better. The truth is I couldn't get any better without help from others. Those others stuck by me through all my ups and downs, even when I pushed them away. There's something that I'd like to share with you, sometimes it's better to allow someone time to heal themselves with your support but don't smother them. The mind of a depressed person is sick and will only hurt you until they decide to seek help. Support them when they make good decisions such as seeking help, not when they are making bad decisions. It's probably the most painful process they and you will have to go through but is very necessary to help with the healing process.

If you're struggling don't give up. Seek help even if it feels useless, it's not. You weren't always this way and I know you hate being this way, work on yourself. Society seems to always pressure you into doing things that are going to make money, it doesn't mean the hobbies you enjoy are useless. I really hope you consider how important your life is before you think of ending it, it's not impossible to become the person you want to be.

Love you all, 



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