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How did I get into this position? I thought about that long and hard as I laid out on the black marble counter top with my legs spread, my silk panties ripped, and a handsome man with a handsome face pressed into my heat eating me out like I was his life source. Just as another wave of pleasure rolled over me, I was transported back to the meeting that led us up to this point.

I sat alone in a pub. A glass of whiskey in my left hand and my phone in my right. I scrolled through my pictures and deleted every single one that had my cheating fiancé in them. "Isn't it easier to just buy a new phone?" A deep silky voice asked from behind me. I turned in my swivel chair and saw a blast from the past standing in front of me. "Draco Malfoy."

He looked the same but somehow different. His hair is the same color it's always been, platinum blonde to match his steely gray eyes. He seemed fuller though. He's still fit and slim but his cheeks had color to them. He didn't look tired or stressed out like he did the last time I saw him.. which was during the Final Battle.

"Hello Hermione. Mind if I join you?" he asked. He had already placed his jacket on the back of the stool next to me so I gestured for him to sit by tapping my hand on the seat. He smiled and plopped himself down. He looked to the bartender and ordered a gin and tonic. The bartender batted her lashes at him but he returned his gaze to me. "So, please explain to me why you are sitting in this dark little pub by yourself. And why are you deleting memories of you with Ron Weasley?" Draco asked. I sighed and let my shoulders drop. "Because. Fuck him." I stated.

Draco let out a laugh that filled the small pub. "Wow. Okay! I don't believe I've ever heard the Hermione Granger curse. But, I'm here for it." he said. "He cheated on me. With MY coworker. All those years of being together  just to be ruined by some easy pussy because I wouldn't give it up to him." I huffed. I pressed the glass to my full lips and tipped my head back drinking the rest of my whiskey. "Another one dear?" the woman behind the bar asked. "Please." I practically begged. She poured the caramel colored liquor into my glass. Draco scoffed and shook his head. "Well, he's an arsehole. And, give it up? You mean-?" "Yes. I am a 23 year old virgin. I know. It's lame. But, Ron kept pressing for it. And, I refused each time. He would get so angry about it and I just knew he would never fully appreciate it or me when I did give it to him. So, he cheated on me. Our engagement is over and I'm done with him." I fully explained. "Well, he never deserved you in the first place." I gazed into his storm colored eyes and I saw what he said was true. "Thank you." I whispered. "Anytime." he replied.

The pub was closing. Draco had paid my tab despite my complaining of it but he waved me off. "Well, I need to go check into my hotel." I said. "Hotel?" he asked. "Yeah. He and I live together. I don't want to see him after finding him with her. So, hotel is the answer." I shrugged. "Or... you could come back to my flat? I have a spare bed. And, honestly; I don't want this conversation to end." Draco scratched the back of his head and smiled. I didn't even hesitate to answer, "Okay. I would like that." Draco held out his hand and I took it. We apparated to his flat.

We appeared in front of a dark mahogany door. Draco whipped out his wand and spoke a spell that I couldn't translate. The door creaked open. Draco turned and chuckled, "Anyone can pick a lock. But, not many know Latin." He pushed open the door and led me in. It was a small entryway in the living room that connected to the small dining room and kitchen. "I can honestly say that I am surprised." I said as I looked around the rooms. "Why is that?" Draco asked. "I expected you to live in a manor. Or, at least your decor to be green and black. Something to match with the fact that you will always be the Slytherin Prince." I replied. "Well, when my Father was sent to Azkaban for his crimes, my mother sold the Manor. Too many dark and deadly things took place in that manor." Draco explained. I completely understood considering I nearly died in that manor. "Anyways, want a drink?" Draco asked. "Yeah." I walked to the kitchen and settled down on one of the bar stools. Draco came back with two glasses filled with an amber colored liquid.

Draco leaned over the counter. His left hand held the glass but his eyes were on me. I caught his eyes flick down to my lips, back up to my eyes, and occasionally to the cleavage that peeked out from my low cut shirt. I noticed the tip of his tongue slide out and lick his lips as his eyes flicked back up to my honey brown eyes. "Did you mean it? When you said Ron never deserved me?" I asked. I took a sip of my drink shyly, almost afraid of his answer. Like all the kindness he has shown me tonight would disappear and he would go back to how he used to treat me back in Hogwarts. "I meant it Hermione. I know that the way I've treated you when we were younger, I was an arsehole and I do want to apologize for that. But, Ron never deserved you. The way he acted around you in school; it seemed to me that he just wanted to take possession of you." Draco replied. I took what he had to say in and just nodded. "I'm sorry if I've overstepped," he quickly apologized. "No no. You are right," I agreed.

Draco shifted his weight to his other foot. Hermione noticed how uncomfortable he almost seemed. "Do you want to sit down?" I asked. "No. I want to try something." he said. "Try what?" I asked. He moved closer to me, closing the gap between us. His breath smelled of whiskey and spearmint. "May I kiss you Hermione?" he asked. "Yes," I whispered. The gray eyed man leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. His lips were full and warm. Slowly, but surely; all my sadness withered away about Ron and a warm fuzzy feeling replaced it. It could've just been the whiskey or maybe it's the sexual tension that I felt had always been there between me and Draco, but I want more.

Draco moved between my legs, crowding me until I could feel the heat that radiated off of his body. Fuck, he's so hot. His hands were in my hair and I craned my neck up so that I could kiss him fully. My hands were exploring his abdomen. My fingers tracing the outlines of the muscles that rippled beneath his pale skin. Draco broke the kiss. "Fuck Hermione. Can I be honest?" Draco asked breathlessly. "Yes." I dropped my hands to my lap. "I didn't bring you here for this, but I really want to taste you." he said honestly. My cheeks felt hot. I knew I was blushing. I didn't want to give it up to Ron because he would never appreciate me, but Draco.... I feel like he would. I believe he would treat me well in the bedroom. Should I? Fuck it. Ron cheated on me. And what's that saying? Best way to get over somebody is to get under someone else. "Please." I whispered. A smile spread across his lips. He picked me up and set me down on the countertop.

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