Chapter 2

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Hi sorry last chapter was bad but like I got tired and I had to go some where in the morning so. Anyways hope you like this chapter. Also this is going to be more in Vance's pov because I feel like I relate to Vance more then I do Bruce

Vance's pov:
Ist period ended and I needed to find my way to 2nd. Nobody showed me artound so I don't know where it is. I'll have to ask someone and we all know I don't want to do that.
"Hey Vance wait up" I looked behind me to see the boy I had to sit by I think his name it Bruce or something like that. "So your new right? I haven't seen you around before" "Yeah I just moved here" I said, I guess he wasn't paying attention when I said I moved from France. "Thats cool. What do you have for next period?" I take a look at my schedule seeing math, god I hate math. "Um math" "hey we have the same class want to walk together?" Ig I don't have to ask anyone now. "Sure, id it's good that you came to talk to me or I wouldn't know where to go." I said looking at him, he's pretty. "Ig so."
~~Time Skip~~
We made it to class and he told me I could sit next to him. The teacher walks in rubbinjg his temples, I think he has a headache. "Ok Class just work on.. Idk do whatever the fuck you want just don't be loud." I mean it's better then doing math. "So why did you move in the middle of the year?" oh. "Oh um because my mom got a job here and she thought we would have better life here then we did back home." "Oh well I hope you like it here" "Me too".
Bruce seems nice yk I think him and I are going to be friends, plus he's really cute if I'm being honest, and his eyes are like really pretty and his hair is nice too like have you seen his hair, and like idk he seems cool, smart, and a bit sporty like have you ever meet anyone like that you get one or two but never three.
Bruce's pov:
I think Vance is really nice he hasn't said much but he seems nice but he also seems like he beat the shit outta someone, and his hair is really nice to and looks fluffy too I want to touch it so bad but I restrain myself. Maybe I should ask him if he wants to hangout with me and my friends during lunch and were having a sleepover this weekend. If they like him then maybe he can come if he wants to ofc. I should see what classes he has.
Vance's pov:
"Hey can I see your schedule" Bruce asks, he looks hopeful for som reason. "um sure let me find it." I start looking through my bag, I found it it was a bit crumbled but that's fine, I handed it to him and then he smiles looking from it to me. "We have all the same classes except the one before class you have French and I have Spanish." now I'm wishing I picked Spanish instead of a language I already knew. "Wait why did you pick French if you already know it?" "Oh because I know it." "that makes no sense" "Oh because I already know it so it would be easier to pass it instead of failing. It's probably going to be the only class I pass so." "Oh if you need help with school maybe I can tutor you." tutor me that would be awesome but I'm already having such a hard time not blushing rn so. "Yeah that would be great." Shit Vance.
"Hey you wanna eat lunch with me and my friends? I'm sure they wouldn't mind." "Yeah that would be cool." That way I can make more friends and spend more time with Bruce. Ik I'm confusing first I didn't want to him to tutor me because I would be a blushing mess but now I want to be near him because.. I mean why not.
~~Time Skip~~ To lunch cause i have no idea what to put
I was walking to the cafeteria when all of a sudden someone jumps on my back. I knew who it was in an instant. 1 because she does this all the time, 2 and because shes so light, and I'm not even fazed my it anymore so ofc it's Rori. "Hey how's your day so far?" She ask, she seems happy so that made me happier. "It's pretty good how's yours?" I ask her, I realize that I'm still carrying her but I don't put her down she usually gets excited when talking about her day that she starts jumping and stuff it's funny but I found that this was a pretty good way to make her not do that. "It's good, guess what." "what?" "I made a new friend wanna meet her?" I put her down just so I can see her blush when I say this. "oooo so who is she, is she pretty?" I knew for a while that she liked girls and that she blushes each time I say something like that but only if she actually likes them. She blushed.
"yes she is but thats not the point she's super nice I think you'll like her." "ok when can I meet her?" "maybe when we get to the cafeteria" "Ok" then she jumps on my back again. I almost fell this time but it's fine along as she didn't get hurt.
We were walkinng, wait I was walking and she was on my back. We were about to enter the cafeteria when Bruce came up to me. "Hey, whos this?" Oh right he doesn't know Lor. "Oh this is my sister Lorelai, Lorelai meet Bruce, Bruce meet Lorelai." I introduce them. "Nice to meet you Bruce." Lor said looking at me with the 'you like him dont you?' This girl. "Nice to meet you too" Bruce said smiling, oh his smile is so cute.
"So where is your so called 'friend'" I say using air quotes while saying friend. She elbows me in the side. "Ow that hurt!" I said in a playful/hurtful tone. "yeah whatever, but her name is Amy and shes over there" "Amy, Amy Yamada?" Bruce asked in a confused tone. "Yeah thats her." "well Hopper ig me and my sister have good taste." My eyes widen and I blush like crazy I just know Lorelai saw that but she was also blushing. "yeah i guess so." Lor answered and then she started laughing while looking at me Bruce didn't notice tho so thats good cause that would've been embarrassing.
We sit down at a table I wasn't hungering so I skipped the line and just went to the table Lor and Amy joined short after. They were talking and Lorelai seemed super happy. "SO Amy," Lor looked at me with a death stare she knows what I'm about to say. "So what are your intentions with my sister?" both Amy and Lorelai turned red, then Rori hit me in the side of the head how rude. I roll my eyes, then Bruce and 4 other people come and sit down.
"Hi you must be Vance Bruce told us about you." A brunette says he seems nice. "Oh I'm Finney btw, this is Robin." Robin he has black hair, he's about 5'3 5'4 maybe, and hes Mexican, he also has scabs on his fist maybe he fights. "I'm Griffin this is Billy" a boy with I think dirty blonde hair said (I don't really know his or Billys hair color) the boy next to him had blode hair. Griffin was short and looked younger then the others. "It's nice to meet yall" I said with a smile.
1339 words
I didn't know where to end it and I think it's bad but thats fine. Hope yall liked it. Also this is longer then what I meant to make it. Sorry if there are mistakes. And I dont know if anyone is reading this but is someone is thank you for taking time out of your day/night to read this.

Brance (Idk what to name it)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora