Chapter 3

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Hi so I don't fully know what I'm going to be doing with this chapter so if nothing makes sense (I think thats how you spell it idk) and I feel super sick rn and my vision is a bit blurry so sorry for any mistakes anyways enjoy. Also sorry if it's bad I feel like shit rn.
Vance's pov:
I was sitting there just observing them they work so prefectly. It's cute. They're like family to each other, they're like brothers the each have a best friend in the group.
Finney and Robin, but it looks like they're a bit more if you look they're a bit touchy and act a bit different towards each other then they are towards they others. But I might be wrong so I won't say anything about it.
Griffin and Billy. They would be cute together, if they're like that. But they're pretty cool. Griffin especially, he's nice but crazy from what I seen so far and he seems like a caring person and looks younger I think he might be one of the youngest. Billy he seems like a dog person and he treats Griffin like everyone esle but a might more like they've known each other for a long time. Billy also seems like a nice guy. Griffin keeps calling him paperboy tho so I think he might be one but idk yet.
Bruce now I could go on forever about him. Bruce plays around with them and he's nice to Amy and Lorelai. He keeps looking at Amy with the look I give Lorelai when she brings a "friend" around, so I think he sees what I see. It's quite funny and when she sees him looking she turns red and gives him the "shut up" look like Lorelai gives me. But Bruce just himself is perfect and his eyes are just wow yk. I keep staring at him but I look away before he could see me. His hair too is just, I can't even explain it it's literally so cute. His laugh is amazing and it just fills the room yk it's like no one else is their laughing too I just can't explain it-
"Vance? VANCE!" I get pulled out of my thoughts my Bruce. "yeah sorry I zoned out." "it's cool but I was saying that everyone was wondering if you would want to come to the sleepover on friday?" He sounded hopeful and questionable. "yeah sure I would have to ask my mom tho" "Great. We're having it at my house." he starts writing on a piece of paper. "Heres my address." "Thanks" I really hope momma says yes like this is the man of my dreams like.
"Hey Vance" Lorelai says. "Yeah" "Can I talk to private?" is she ok? "Yeah sure."
3rd p pov:
"Are you ok?" Vance asked with a concerned voice. "You know how dads going to get. Mom always leaves on Fridays and comes back on Sundays you know this and I don't want you getting hurt." Lorelai said, but she looked like she was about to cry. "Lor it's going to be fine and I'll make sure that dad won't hurt you or me ok I'll try and get him out of the house for a little while just so he doesn't hurt you or me ok, and if he doesn't I just won't go ok?" He looked at her putting his hands on her shoulders for reassurance. It always worked when she was upset or afraid that something would happen. After that he hugged her and held her like that, knowing that he would have to hold her like that for a while. "Ok"
But what both of them didn't know thousands of thoughts were going through both of their heads. 
Bruce's pov:
They've been gone for a while, maybe they didn't want to be near us, maybe they didn't like us, maybe I should check on them, idk what I sould do.
"BRUCE!" Finney yelled. "Yeah sorry I zoned out." maybe I should check on them. "what were you thinking about?" Fonney asked. Should I tell him the truth that I'm scared Vance doesn't really like me or should I just say nothing? I'm going with nothing cause I think everyones going to be like you just met him and you don't know him I'm sure it's fine, like no it's not. "Nothing important...hey I'm going to the restrom real quick" "ok".
I get up and start heading towards the hall. I see Vance and Lorelai talking, she looked like she was going to cry but trying to hold it in. "Lor it's going to be fine and I'll make sure that dad won't hurt you or me ok I'll try and get him out the house for a little while just so he doesn't hurt you or me ok, and if he doesn't I just won't go ok?" What, what does he mean? Their dad hurts them? Do they get abused?
He has his hands on her shoulders, but then he hugs her and she looks like shes calming down "Ok" I hear her mumble.
I hope that he gets to come and I hope that things get better for them. I won't bring it up so they don't know that I was eavesdropping on them.
883 words
Anyways theres probably mistakes and rn Ifeel like shit and I can't breathe so sorry if it's bad and I think it's shorter then the others cause it feels so short. Also I don't know if I'm going to be able to write anything for about a week cause of Christamas and this weekend my grandmas coiming to visit and we're going to make a lot of tamales and shit and we're going to be selling a lot and only going to have about maybe 4 dozen for the Christamas dinner thing idk anyways Merry Christamas!!

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