Quick game

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Finding a job here in Cloudville was a lot harder than I thought, either the place didn't need anymore employees, or they where closed due to too many lawsuits. But eventually I got a job at a small liquor store a few blocks away from my home. "At least I don't have to drive my car to this place." I said to myself. When I got home I put my things on the small coffee table in the living, sat down on one of my chairs and started watching YouTube on my again. Right before the video I taped started I heard a knock at my door. "Who can be here it's 9:00 at night, and it's still snowing." I said to myself. I got up to answer the door, when I opened it I was surprised to see Kaipa standing at my doorway. "O-oh. It's you..."I said. "yeah it's me." He replied, "Look I don't exactly want to be here right now I have a job, but my brother is making go to your house to hang out, even tho I don't want to." He said mumbling the last part. I thought for a second then said "Um, sure. Do you want to come in?" He took a quick look inside my home and then just let himself in, he slightly shoved me to the side. "You don't have to do that you know." I said "I know." He said, not even making eye contact. Kaipa looked around the place, then asked me "Where's all your furniture and shit like that?" I answered "Well the moving truck hasn't arrived yet, they told me they'll be here by tomorrow." He simply nodded his head, as if saying 'yes I get that'. After a minute of silence I wanted to have one question that wasn't answered by him. "Hey, Kaipa, can you just answer the question I asked earlier?" That's when he finally made eye contact with me, his purple eye looking through my soul, it was kinda creepy. "Fine, if you want to know so bad. I have a bad habit of eating eyes, it's like a drug to me I eat it one time in my life, next thing I knew I was now addicted to eating human eyes." He said, he treats this 'eating eyes, habit as if it's a drug? "Oh." I frowned a bit trying to figure out what to say or do, then an idea popped into my head. "Do you want to play two truths and a lie?" I ask, Kaipa looked at me as if he didn't know what I was talking about. "Have you never played that game, and I thought almost everyone knew two truths and a lie." I said "just come on and follow me." I lead Kaipa to my room and we sat of the ground, I then explained the rules. "So all you have to basically do is say two true things about yourself and then a lie, and then the other players have to guess which ones are the truths and who one is the lie. Is just a simple game I play when I want to get to know someone a little better." Kaipa nodded his head, I was glad he understood the rules now. "Ok do you want to go first with the truths and lie, or should I?" I asked "maybe you should go first with the truth, lie thing, I'll just go next, I mean it's not like there's any other players." He said looking around the room. "Ok then."

*time skip to Kaipa's turn because I don't know anything about you guys 😅

"Ok Kaipa it's your turn." I said, he sighed and then said "I've gone to prison before, I'm the one who broke my brother's horn, and both my parents are dead." Geez, talk about a dark turn to the game. I thought for a second and the said. "The first and second one's are the truths and the last one is a lie." Kaipa stared at me for a second before just saying. "Your wrong on second and third ones." I was shocked to hear this, his parents are actually dead?! We sat there is silence for a minute until Kaipa spoke up said "Can we do something else?" "Um...yeah...sure..." I said while getting up. After a debate we decided to just watch a movie on my TV. Kaipa didn't have much of a reaction to the movie, he was just kinda sitting there like he was a dead corpse. To he frantically honest he kinda looked like he just wants to kill over and die, it's was kinda sad to think about it. "Half way through the movie I started to feel sleepy, it was pretty late now, it was 10:45 and I would have been asleep by now. After a few more minutes I eventually fell asleep.

Kaipa's POV

While watching this movie I kinda zoned out for a minute or two, then I felt something on my shoulder. I looked to the side and noticed Y/N, they fell asleep. I didn't know what to do, I don't even know what will happen if I even try to move them. I signed "Well, looks like I'm gonna be stuck here all night, or until they move off of me." I said to myself.

*time skip
After what seemed like forever Y/N finally moved off of my shoulder, and now they are just laying on the ground. I stood up and made my way to the door. I looked to Y/N one last time before leaving "don't get attached to new people." I said to myself, then I teleported back to my house, no one is outside anymore so that means I can't get that killed I was planning on getting tonight. Maybe tomorrow night.

To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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