New Town, New Life

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A/N: you just moved out of your old house and you are now gonna be living in a midsized town called Cloudville, ok that's it have fun reading.
I was on my way to my new apartment in Cloudville, my mom told me before I left my old town to text her when I get their. Went I saw the sign saying 'Welcome to Cloudville' i slightly smiled, "Yes I'm finally here" I said through my thoughts. When I saw all the buildings and houses I new this place was gonna be a great place to stay at (that's what you think Y/N. That's what you think. Ok back to the story)

When I pulled into the parking near my new apartment I immediately pulled out my phone to text my mom

Text POV
Y/n: "Hey mom I'm finally at my new apartment"

Mom: "Oh that's great honey. How was the ride their?"

Y/N: "It was fine. I stopped by attests 2 gas stations and 3 rest stops, but I got here unharmed and safe like I told you."

Mom: "that's good to know honey."

Y/N: "Ok I need to go now, I have to start unpacking my stuff that I have in the car."

Mom: "Ok, talk to you later sweetheart."

I let out a sigh "Welp. I better start unpacking before it gets to dark out." I said to myself, then I got to work
*time Skip

I was finally done taking everything out of my car and into my new apartment. The moving truck wasn't here yet so I decided that I would go on a quick shopping trip to get the kitchen cabinets filled with food. So I grabbed my keys to my car, got in, and drove to the nearest grocery store.

When I got their I got a shopping cart at went inside the store. There weren't as many people in the store as you thought there was, you only past by 2 or 3 people at the least. I entered the fruits and vegetables section and decided to get apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, and potatoes.  When I entered the drinks section I noticed someone looking at the vodka? I didn't want to ask why they were getting vodka but at the same time I kinda wanted to know, so I went up to the guy wish from now what I can tell he looks to be 6'3 or something, maybe it was the platforms he was wearing. "Hey" I said. the man he turned around slightly confused on who was talking to him, I also noticed now that he was a cyclops. That's cool. "I wanted to ask you something, if you have sometime to talk that is" I said "um...sure I have time to talk, what's up?" The cyclops said smile, i took a breath of air and said "This might come off as rude, but are you planning on buying that stuff? You know it's not that good for you." I said in a kinda concerned tone. The cyclops looked at the alcohol then back to me and said "Well I know it's not exactly the healthiest drink to get, but I kinda can't stop myself from buying it, vodka is one of my favorite drinks. If your worried about me getting drunk you don't have you sweetheart, I don't drink until I'm drunk." "Did he just call me sweetheart?" I said through my thoughts, I've never been called that before by anyone but my mom, i guess he calls a lot of people that. "Oh. Ok that's good I guess" I said to the cyclops. He smiled once more and then starting to walk away with a bottle of vodka in hand, "Wait!" I slightly shout. The cyclops turned around in confusion. "What's your name, I'm Y/N by the way." I said, the cyclops chuckled a bit and said "My name is Kaylos, nice to meet you Y/N." He said to me, then walked away towards the checkout.  I smiled and carried on with my shopping "glad I now know someone in this town, to bad I didn't get him number I could of been able to text him." I said to myself.
*time skip

I made it back home before it got to dark and put my groceries inside. After putting them away I made some chicken top Ramen for my dinner and decided to watch F/M since I haven't watched it in a hot minute. I pulled out my phone and opened (what ever app you use to watch movies or tv shows on) and started watching the movie. Half way through the movie I heard some kind of noise outside, it sounded like someone was walking outside, at this point it's really dark outside and it hard to see outside my window that was near me. I got up and went towards the window to get a better look. I saw nothing at first, but then I saw a guy run by my window, then he started banging at my door shouting "LET ME INSIDE, HE GONNA KILL ME PLEASE." The guy sounded scared, but I didn't know who he was. I started quiet while the man banged at my door a few more times before leaving. "That was that about." I said to myself, "Maybe I should of helped him." Then after a few minutes I heard a gunshot not far from where I was, I was kinda scared now. "Maybe moving to this town wasn't as good of an idea as it first thought."

To be continued

An Eye for a Heart (Kaipa x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin