The Contract

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I heard the knock on the door right as I got out of the shower. 

"It's open!" I yelled, hoping he would hear.

I wrapped myself in a towel and wiped off the fog that had appeared in the mirror while staring at my reflection. My chocolate brown hair and eyelashes were drenched in water which made my emerald, green eyes pop. I love my eyes. When I was little, I felt insecure about them because everyone else had blue eyes, and I wanted to fit in. One time my dad told me that only princesses had as green eyes as mine, and that was why it was so rare. He wanted me to feel special, and to feel proud of them. Ever since that day, I started to accept my features and think of it as something that made me unique. After doing my skincare routine for the night and brushing my hair, I put on a pair of sweatpants and crop top I headed out of the bathroom to greet my guest.

"What's up, loser" I said as I walked into the living room where Jack was seated. 

He looked up from his phone and smiled at me.

"All good Addie, how about you?" he asked. 

I plopped down beside him and gave him a hug.

"Pretty well actually" I responded with a muffled voice as my head was placed in the crook of his neck.

"You've eaten yet?" he asked after we separated from each other's arms. 

"No, not yet." I spoke. "You want to order something from uber eats?"

"Sure. So, what's going on lately? I haven't heard from you in a few days" he said with a questioning look on his face. 

"Thank you for coming, Jack because that is actually what I was hoping to tell you about." I responded. I got up from the sofa and went to the kitchen. "Do you want anything to drink?" He shook his head and leaned against the kitchen island. I opened the fridge and poured myself a glass of Coke. 

"So..." I began as I met Jack's worried gaze. "Two days ago, my coach Sarina called me." "Aha" he said. "She told me that the men's football council had called her regarding my season this year." I continued. Jack followed my movements as I drank from my glass. He didn't say anything. "They were amazed by my improvements and wondered if I was interested in playing in the men's football team next season." I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "You've got to be kidding me" he said with eventful eyes. "Oh my god, this can't be real" He brought his hands to his mouth and gasped. "That means you'll be playing with me, Phil and Bukayo!". I nodded in agreement. Jack ran towards me and lifted me up into the air and hugged me. I giggled as he spun me around. 

"You can't believe how happy I am for you, Addie. This is the greatest news in a long time" he said. "We must tell the lads"

"That's the thing, Jack" I said. "Nothing is confirmed, so I would like to keep it between us. You're my absolute best friend so of course I had to tell you, but you must keep it a secret until I sign the contract"

"Got it" He couldn't wipe that smile off his face either. "God I'm so proud of you Addie." He ruffled my damp hair. "So, when is the meeting?"

"It's on Monday at 12 AM" I spoke "They want to see my skills so therefore I will be attending to your practice"

"Wait, that is in three days" He said.

"I know, and if I'm lucky enough to get signed, I'm allowed to be a part of the team" I continued.

"I always knew you had it in you. It was only a matter of time." I could tell he was excited for me. It will be the first time in years where we get the opportunity to play alongside on the field.

The doorbell rang and we realized that our food was there. 

"Wow that was fast" Jack said. "I'm not complaining, I'm starving!" I responded. He chuckled at my response and opened the door.

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