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Shigaraki was out with his adopted son, Akumu. Akumus parents were villians the hero's killed and left akumu to die at 7 years old, when Shigaraki found this out it pissed him off. No child should have to live the way he did..he made a promise to the little boy that no matter what happens, Tomura Shigaraki will always be there for him.

"Akumu listen to me..I promise you no matter what happens, I will be here to support you in whatever you do."

Tomura meant it, he was forced to be someone he didn't wanna be. He had the potential to be a hero, a good one at that but he just wasn't so lucky.

While Akumu and Shigaraki were out Akumu asked his father

"Papa?" Akumu mumbled up to Shigaraki as he tugs on tomuras black shirt sleeve.

"Yes my boy?" Shigaraki replied calmly and looked down at him.

"When are we going to do what you talked about..I wanna hurry up and get started so I can be just like you and grandpa!" The small boy excitedly said.

The truth is, Shigaraki forgot all about the plan he had. The league of villians had been quiet for a while so Shigaraki wanted their name to be back in the media. Akumu overheard the plan and decided to join in on it.

"We gotta scope the area out..your grandfather is on my ass about doing random attacks."

"Mmk! Grandpa is kinda rude I'm not gonna lie..why is he always in a bad mood besides when he's with auntie rose?"

"I'm not sure my boy. He used to not be that way but I guess it's old age.."

"He is old, older than dirt!" The little boy giggles

"that he is" Shigaraki let's out a little chuckle before picking akumu up and holding him on his hip.

"How about we get the weapons and everything ready, I'm sure your uncle Kurogiri will help me get the gasoline ready while you get what you need okay boyo?"

"Okay papa!"

The bluenett gets his phone out and text Kurogiri, not even a minute later a portal opens in front of them and they both walk through, ending up in the old run down bar that the league turned into a base for them and where most of them lived.

"Ima go get the stuff papa!" Akumu runs off to Shigarakis room where he's been sleeping since the base has no more open rooms.

"Hello tomura. How are things going with the little one?" Kurogiri in his monotone voice states, rubbing a non-existent smudge off the glass.

"Things are alright I guess. It's hard but I'm managing.." Shigaraki mumbles out, grabbing a notebook he wrote his plans out in and flipped to the 10th page, in that page is several glued down and cut out pictures of the pro-hero, present mic, and the entire page is filled with information about him, the back of the 9th page is a very very very detailed description of when and how he was going to kill the hero. In all honesty..Shigaraki had been in love and borderline obsessed with the hero eraserhead and the only one who knew about it was himself. He didn't dare tell anyone about it, it's embarrassing to him..he's the first person shig has felt this way towards but, he'd do anything to make that stupid hero his. Even if it means killing those eraserhead loved. Kurogiri gently taps Shigarakis shoulder, pulling him out of his trance he was in.

"Are you okay tomura? You seem out of it."

Tomura jumps "Yes yes I'm okay, Sorry Kurogiri."

"Papa Papa! I found them!" Akumu comes running in as Shigaraki closes the notebook and puts it away.

"Good job my boy let me see them"

Akumu hands his father the stuff he got from Shigs room, it was 2 knifes he stole from toga awhile back after the shie hassasaki mission.

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