Oh no..

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Big TW

"..overhaul?! I thought you were locked up!"

He backs himself against the wall as overhaul approaches him.

"Was locked up. Don't worry you filth." Kai puts his hands on either side over tomuras head and leans down, pulling the black face mask down from his mouth and places a kiss on Shigarakis lips. Shig tries to pull away and it pisses chasaki off. he removes a hand from the wall and puts it on the side of tomura head, keeping it still as footsteps come into the alleyway. Tomura hopes that this person would stop the man kissing him as shig tries to pull away but it's no use.

'..my quirk!' He then reaches up to pretend to melt into the kiss but grabs the back of kais head with all 5 fingers. Nothing..happens.

'What?!' He thinks as he doesn't feel Kai crumble. Kai then pulls away and steps back as Keigo takami, more commonly known as the winged hero, hawks, comes into tomuras vision..that was the man tomura had been talking to on the phone.


"Tomura shigaraki. You are under arrest."

Keigo walks up to tomura and spins him around putting quirk canceling hand cuffs on his wrist before tomura could even process after being forcefully kissed by the man he thought he killed, then Keigo being okay with him being there and..well being arrested. Shota Aizawa sits perched up on the rooftop above the alleyway, staring at tomura with his quirk activated until he blinks, seeing the handcuffs now on tomura and uses his scarf get down from the building.

Meanwhile in the alleyway police officers come in the alleyway and handcuff overhaul. He was only being "released" to help the hero's get tomura cornered and now they have them both in custody, the police officers lead tomura into a high tech car made specifically for criminals and villians and lead overhaul into a different one. The officers drive off  once they two were in the back of the vehicles, leaving Keigo in the alleyway waiting on shota to get with him

About 30-40 minutes later tomura is put in a investigation room, his ankles were chained to the legs of the chair and his hand behind the back of the chair, chained to it aswell. He tries to pull at it but gives up after he got tired, as soon as he tries to fall asleep in steps Aizawa and sits on the chair in front of him.

"Shigaraki wake up. This isn't nap time."

"No shit Sherlock" he mouths back

"Hm..I got questions for you and you need to answer them." Shota speaks coldly as he ties his long black hair up into a bun.

"Mmk..ask away."

"Where is the league hiding."

"Hell" tomura smiles, keeping his head down
In that moment Aizawa stands up and flings his scarf at Shigaraki, it gripping around Shigaraki torso and squeezing his arms to his side, Aizawa flings him into a wall using his scarf. Pulling him away and holding him in the air before throwing tomura back into the wal over and over again until tomura screams in agony pain, spitting up blood.

Aizawa drops him on the floor, the chair rattling under him. Tomura wheezes as he tries to catch his breath as blood runs down from his mouth.

"Where. Is. The. League. Hiding."

"Go.." he coughs up blood, it spilling onto the floor " to hell..you'll find them..there." A small smile lays on the bloody, scarred face of shigaraki.

Aizawa getting pissy and irritated with Shigaraki. he walks closer, picking the blue haired man up from the collar of his shirt and pushes the man up against the wall with tomuras back it after getting his hands and legs unchained from the chair. Blood from Shigarakis body runs down the white walls of the interrogation room

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