Who is it?

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They all walk through and end up in the living room/bar. Toga runs off to put her blood in the fridge door next to the other bloods labeled with the name of the person who the blood belongs to and the date it was taken because as some might not know, blood can spoil and it does not smell good, plus after it spoils toga will not drink it so why have it if it's useless?

"Papa..is she gonna rat us out?" Akumu mumbles to his father, worriedly as shig sets his son down on the floor from carrying him

"Don't worry, she won't or she won't have a heartbeat anymore okay?" He kisses akumus head like he always does. "Go get changed my boy and I'll turn the news on." After tomura says that akumu runs off  to Shigs room and gets changed, getting a glimpse of the dismembered 14 grey hands on a shelf above Shigarakis desk.

'I wonder why papa has these? He's always told me not to touch them. They look so real too. The smaller one is almost the same size of my hand. Weirrddddd!'

Back in the living room, Shigaraki ask kierra to tell him about herself so he can learn a bit more about her since she is a new member he knows hardly anything about, so she does.

"Well, I work- or did work as a bartender, im 25 and I got no kids or anything. Most of my family doesn't keep in contact with me..oh! And you've been my idol since the USJ attack! You were so cool with your quirk usage and then when you attacked the training camp-! Or well you ordered for it! Then at Camino! You just are the coolest!"

"Hm." Kurogiri huffs out, watching her carefully. Tomura walks over and picks the notebook up, writing in it as the front door swings open and in steps all for one's biological daughter, rose. Tomura despite hating her has to pretend like he likes her. All for one decided that rose would get everything he worked for after he died. Including his quirk, this pissed tomura off and made him dislike her even more but now he can get close to her and keep akumu in line for the successor of rose or the next all for one.

"Big brother! I've missed you so much!" Rose comes up and hugs tomura tightly, not even worrying about his quirk like others would be.

"Hi little sister. How is everything with father?" Around rose Shigaraki calls all for one 'father' instead of master. Shig looked at AFO like a father to him but always was to scared to call him father.

"Everything is going okay. Me and him discussed the plans for the inheritance."

"Tomura? 'Little sister'..?" Kierra spoke up after watching.

"Ah yes" he pulls away from rose "rose this is our new recruit, kierra. Kierra this is masters daughter, rose."

"Nice to meet you. Anyways shigi!"

"Shigi? Weird nickname to give your boss." Rose muttered out.

"What is it kierra?" He glared over at rose after she muttered it out.

'What is roses problem? She usually is happy about meeting new members.' He thinks to himself before focusing on kierra.

"Did you need me to do anything for you or akumu?"

Tomura shakes his head, not thinking of anything that moment

Rose stood quietly as they talked, looking around the room until she saw Shigarakis phone buzz and she seems intrigued so she got a quick glimpse of it.

' no name on the contact?'

She stood by the phone being curious but not looking further into it. She was thinking it was probably a number her brother never saved because he is forgetful. Tomura heard his phone buzz once more and finally turned his attention to it.

"Ladies I'll be right back. I need to check something out, kierra get akumu in bed for me please" he says as he looks at the name of the phone and walks out of the base onto the city sidewalk.

Kierra gets up, walking past rose and gently knocks on her bosses bedroom door.

"Come in!" The small child yells thinking it's his father but when the black haired woman walks in he quiets down. Being scared of anyone knew because of his past.

"Hey kiddo!..your father sent me to check in on you and get you ready for bed. Had a long day today huh?" She says to him in a calming voice

"M-mhm.." akumu says slightly shaking out of terror. He's changed out of his smaller verison of his papas famous outfit into a hoodie that's too big for even tomura.

Kierra picks him up from the floor where he was playing and lays him down in tomuras bed, Covering him up and tucking him in.

"Goodnight akumu. I will be in the living room if you need me okay?" She shuts the lights off in the bedroom and turns on the hallway one.

"Okay.." he shuts his eyes and drifts off to sleep.

Moving back to Shigaraki, he is texting this mysterious person back and forth.

'Hey.' Is what the person sent to start

'Hey, haven't heard from you in a while.' Shigaraki replies with

'Yeah sorry about that, been busy with work. What are you up too right now?'

'Nothing right now, walking around the city for fresh air.' Shigaraki bumped shoulder with a guy as he walked down the sidewalk

'I see. Wanna meet up in the alleyway by Eastwood street?' The person sends back

Tomura hesitated about saying yes. 'This could be a trap. Would they do that?..fuck it.' He thinks.

'Sure :) I'll see you there soon.' He then puts his phone up and walks to the alleyway. Once he gets there he waits in the shadows until he hears footsteps come closer to him,

'They can't be them. It's only been 3 minutes and they don't get here that fast! Fuck fuck fuck!'

tomura quietly steps back in the end of the alleyway with no escape, he looks around for some sort of exist but no use as the person comes close enough for tomura to see.


(1050 words)

(Hehe cliff hanger is a bitch huh,)
StephanieMcCurter )

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