Wish For Destruction part two

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—So we're in 2006?—Sky, the other rangers were looking inside the mystics' base.

—I'm afraid—Daggeron

—but how do we get in? —Syd

—Wait—Bridge stops everything, looks for the nearest wall and stands on her hands.

—And what does he do? —Vida, looking at him, bends down to look. Syd approaches cheerfully, and she explains.

—This is Bridge's strategy to think of a good plan—Syd

—and does it work?—Vida

—Ideas come to mind more easily when you are upside down, you have a clearer idea of the situation—Syd

—I don't think so—Vida

—According to the criminal files, it is about Chigukade Builjick... —Cruger—...guilty of kidnapping people on many planets. He is a wanted criminal. He has the unique ability to teleport the things he eats...

—I got it!—Bridge, standing up—Cruger said it Chigukade Builijick brought us to this time...

—But it wasn't that he transported what he ate—Sky

—And in the same way... those guys eliminated it, right? —Sam

—It may be... or it may not—Bridge, everyone looks at him confused— it could have been a "Trojan horse"

—You mean a distraction—Clare

Everyone was even more surprised that Clare picked up on it so quickly.

"Clare got it?" "Xander" and she thought I was the smart one of the group.

—Whatever...—Sky— but we can't leave without Z

"Who knows what changes our being here will bring to the future?" Syd, they all nodded.

—Well, they can stay until we know how to make them come back—Daggeron

—And what will we do with Maddie and Jenji... —Chip

—Rangers, you have to find out where they have it...—Udonna


—we could go around the city and ask people how police officers—Jack

—This is all your fault!—Nick—if you hadn't meddled in the impact we were going finished off the enemy

—Oh, yes, as if they were winning—Jack— look boy, but that was not what I saw... they were getting beaten up

—Were you seeing everything before intervening? —Sky

—Well, yes... —Jack laughing nervously—

—and it didn't occur to you to help before!—Syd—you're right, he's an idiot!

Syd agrees with Nick

—Thanks—Nick, and to Jack—and I'm not a boy

"Well, but I don't think you're the leader either," Jack said, Nick grabbed the collar of Jack's jacket, and he grabbed the shirt.

Chip and Sky trying to break them up.

—ENOUGH!—Daggeron, everyone remained still in their fighting positions, that's what Sky's license sounds like...

"Sky!" Guys! Do you hear me?—Cruger

—Sir—Sky, taking the license, the others were alerted.

—That's good—Kat—we were worried. The giant alien was not alone, he is called Agent X, and he is Brudwing's pupil...

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