Wish For Destruction part three

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The mystics kept walking listlessly and seeing how the monstrosities did what they wanted, in that a powerful voice is heard.

"Saber Slash!"

Lightning, I destroy the spawn.

—Who is it?—Nick

—SPD! Shadow rangers!—Doggie—are you alright?

"Yeah... are you an SPD?" —Nick

—Yes, I'm looking for my boys and I found you... why don't you fight?—Doggie

—we don't have magic—Xander

—We could not reverse the spell—Vida—I failed my sister

—don't worry—Doggie—We won't let them win, if I know my boys, they won't let evil win

That's what the license sounds like, from Doggie.



—Kat said she would be here... We're on the island where Z and the other girl are... I'm sending you the location

"Were they alone?" Nick, worried

-Let's go! Let's Help Them—Vida

—I can help you with that—Doggie is on leave—Kat

"Here's Doggie-Kat"

The serpentine base that became the Shadow Ranger's Zor.


—Yes a Zor —Doggie

—Great!—Chip, everyone got on the Zor, and it quickly teleported to a beach, bordering a row of cliffs, and a massive one in the center that had the shape of a dog.

—Look! —Syd

"It's the base!" Sam, returning to his form.

They all ran to her, and Cruger went down with his mystics.


—Guys—Cruger—I met the mystical force

— We looked for them everywhere... where were they? — Syd

—sorry...we couldn't reverse the spell—Vida

—Don't worry... we found out where they have their sister and Z... maybe the genius too... —Bridge

—So... you were defending people in our absence?—Chip

"Well, yes... it's our job." No ranger can sit idly by while another is in trouble—Sky—Although... our lightning isn't much use for Slobber, I'm sure he uses magic to absorb attacks.

"You have to work together." Chip nodded.

—Very good rangers... walk! To rescue the hostages—Cruger

—Yes Sir!—SPD

Bridge and Xander followed the path along the rocks on the beach's coast, between rocky passageways, and seagulls.

—I'm an only child... —Bridge— even though I'm not sure when my birthday is... I was born on a transatlantic flight when we left it was one day... but when we arrived it was the day before... I think I was born the day before I was born.

—Yeah... it's pretty lonely being the only child—Xander—All of this gave me an opportunity to make good friends who are through thick and thin... I guess...

...I think that is the moral of this wish.

"Lonely?" "Bridge, stop.

—before meeting Vida... he was a very lonely and strange child—Xander—that's what they said. Just because I always had a peculiar way of seeing everything. And for Madison and Vida, for the first time, I was part of a real family.

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