Past Me

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Dude, i dont even know which version of myself im writing to, is this 8 year old me, or maybe 12 year old me

fuck it tho

to 6 year old me

take a deep breath, it feels like alot i know, youre mad that they divorced but dont worry, it's better this way. You have a sister that you will meet soon, you wont really be able to get to know her until youre 8-10 though. Have all the fun that you can.

to 8 year old me

everything is probably a bit weird right now for you, thats okay, it will even out soon, <3

to 10 year old me

Hey dude, life is kinda fucking weird, no worries you will make some more friends this year and you will get through the school year. its okay. I love you. Thisis also the year you start to figure some shit out, it will be kind of stressfull and overbearing but it gets way fucking easier, trust me. Youre probably also meeting our sister right about now. Be kind to her, she is super amazing and probably one of the best things we have in life. 

to 12 year old me

Everything is fucking insane for you right now, i get that, this year and alot of next year will be one of the worst fucking times of your life. Hold on. There will be times that make everything amazing. I wont spoil too much for you yet. I know Covid is really stressful and you probably feel like you have no real friends, but you do and you will get some new ones that are fucking amazing. Its okay dude. Deep breaths, youll get through this

to 13 year old me

holy fuck dude youre going through a fucking rolleroaster right now. love the tattoo we got, that you fucking gave me (we get two more) hs is okay, we get some friends that we love, no nat hasn't said anything yet, i still dont know if we ever get over them but thats okay, we're doing okay now, suprisingly, im planning on buying us a cheap phone soon :) but it will have internet on it and thats all that matters, love you dude, you got this <3

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