Hurt Me With The Truth

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The next morning, Rosita and Abraham were sitting opposite each other in arm chairs while Rosita was checking over the wound on Abraham's hand. I'm not sure where the others were as I was sitting on the floor, leaning against Rosita's chair and reading a random book that I'd found. It was called "Hush, Hush" by Becca Fitzpatrick. 

"It's not infected." Rosita told Abraham.

"You been going to nursing school on the sly?" Abraham quirked an eyebrow.

"Roger and Pam taught me." Rosita replied with a small, sad smile on her face. Abraham hummed and nodded before Rosita continued. "I think we should stay here today."

"No." Abraham instantly said. "You got some reading you need to catch up on?"

Rosita scoffed. "We got lucky yesterday. But we're all banged up. You especially."

"We've been through worse. We keep moving." Abraham instructed.

"Maybe we always wind up stopping because we never start at a hundred percent." Rosita stated with a bitterness in her tone. I agreed with Rosita on this, to be fair I agreed with her on most things.

"Every minute we waste getting him to Washington, people are dying." Abraham stated.

"You think I don't understand that?" Rosita asked rhetorically. "After everything? You see, I want us to actually get there."

"No, you want us to sit around. You want us to stop." Abraham raised his voice slightly.

"Listen, big one, I don't care how ginger you are. You start raising your voice at her? Me and you are gonna have problems." I warned him, turning around and adjusting my seating position to face him.

He sighed through his nose. "Sorry, little one. I'll watch my tone next time."

"Damn right you will." I nodded before settling back down and looking at my book. 

"But my point stands." Abraham nodded.

The others came into the area and sat around in the other chairs. "This town isn't in bad shape. This store wasn't even touched. We could make a good base here." Maggie suggested. "We could spend one last day doing a sweep for supplies."

"We'll sweep as we go. We've done it since the beginning. We're not stopping now." Rosita answered, but those weren't her words, they were Abraham's.

Abraham nodded. "You heard the lady. We're taking it North." With the big ginger's words, I sighed quietly.

"We tapped out the toilet. Only water that's left is whatever Ellie has in her bottle. Broad river is five miles west. At the very lest we stock up there before we find wheels." Tara tried.

"We got a vehicle." Abraham stated, walking over to one of the cardboard covered windows and moving it slightly. "And it just so happens it got five hundred gallons of water on it."

Across the street, was a fire station which just so happen to have a fire truck outside. "Ya know, I've been in a fire truck before. During an emergency too. We went to a fire house on a school trip. An emergency was called in while I snuck off to look at the fire truck. I was in there the whole time... Didn't notice me until after they put out the fire. Safe to say I didn't spend lunch time in the yard for a while." I told Glenn as we walked over.

"Sometimes I don't know how to respond to the things that come out of your mouth." Glenn stated. I just laughed as we reached the red truck. The others had a look around the fire truck, but I couldn't be bothered, so I hung around outside. I started to play with a random football that was left outside, I started kicking it against the wall so it would bounce back to me and I kicked it again. Fun game, I know.

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