How to Hide a Body

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I instantly dropped to Sophia's side. Ignoring the man that lay dead not two feet away from me. I put my hands on her cheeks, now noticing the bruise that was developing on the left side of her face. "Soph? Sophia? Can you hear me?" I questioned.

"Ellie?" She muttered.

"I'm here, I'm here. I've got you." I whispered.

"Did you stop him in time?" She asked.

"Yea... Yea, I got here in time." I responded.

She nodded, a tear slipping down her face. "Thank you."

I stayed with Sophia for about twenty minutes, until she was awake and alert again. We sat on the grass, staring at the man. "Are you hurt?" I questioned.

"It stings a little. I'll be alright. I'll put concealer on it to dodge questions." Sophia responded. "For what I said-"

"Don't worry about it." I interrupted.

"No... I hurt you. What I said... I was afraid you were close to figuring something out. I said those things so you wouldn't. I didn't want to hurt you. I've been beating myself up about it all evening." Sophia started. I looked to her so she continued. "I didn't want it to be true, because my dad hated people like me. I was afraid of what people might think... I've been hanging out with Enid because I like her... I'm gay."

I just let a smile take over my face. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me."

She wiped away a tear with a smile on her face. "You don't care?"

"I'm happy for you... But, nobody's gonna care whether you're gay, straight, bisexual or whatever. We love you, Soph. Nothing will change that." I nodded.

"Can you forgive me? For what I said? Because, for the record... I love playing Barbies." She grinned.

I laughed. "Yea. I forgive you, Soph."

"Thank you."

"Don't worry, cause now you have to help me hide a body." I shrugged.

"Right, forgot about that." She clicked her tongue, looking to the bloke. "Me and you can't do it alone."

"Who do you wanna tell about what happened? If it's nobody, we can manage this." I replied.

"Carl and Enid. I don't want mum and dad to know just yet. Maybe when word about this guy's disappearance gets round I'll tell them." Sophia answered. "I'll go get them. You keep watch. Make sure nobody finds him."

We both stood up. "You sure you're okay?" I asked her.

"I thought it was gonna happen. I thought nobody would find me... It didn't happen. You found me. You always save me, El. I should've had more faith in you." Sophia smiled. "So, yea... I'm okay. As long as I got you, I'll be okay."

I shrugged. "Good thing you ain't losing me then, Hermione Granger."

"You ain't losing me either, Ron Weasley." 

I'd stood guard to make sure nobody found the Harold who I happily shot between the eyes. Nobody came around so it was fine. After about twenty minutes, Sophia came back with Carl and Enid. "Took you guys long enough. Thought I'd be doing this on my own." I scoffed.

"Where's the dead guy?" Carl asked. I didn't answer as I just walked to behind the church. "There's the dead guy." Carl sighed.

"What are we gonna do with him?" Enid asked.

"Carry him outside the gates. Find a walker. Throw him to it." I responded. "Luckily, we're in the apocalypse therefore we don't have to cover up fingerprints, the murder weapon, create alibis, hide our motive, bury him six feet under or cover him in acid, bla, bla, bla." 

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