The Fair

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Somehow, Carl had managed to talk mama into letting us go to the fair. She'd already let a couple people go, but her and her children were not to go... Until Carl gave her some talk about what Mother Goose would've wanted and she decided the Grimes men were right. Mama was at the front of the cart, so was I with RJ on my lap. Sophia and Carl were in the back.

The way we were going, we knew that we'd run into my dad, Connie, Lydia and Jessie sooner or later. I'd been in the infirmary when they came to Alexandria for a little less than I day. I'm not entirely sure what happened because all dad wanted to talk about what how sorry he was for letting me go, and that he was so glad that I was okay etc. Jessie didn't come to visit because he was too wrapped up in Lydia, and Connie was looking over the two teenagers.

"Woah, woah." Mama gently said to the horses as she made them stop. My father, Dog, Lydia, Jessie and Connie left the woods.

"Anyone heading to Kingdom?" I asked with a smile.

Dad smiled at me, kissing my hand silently before he headed into the back, doing the same to Sophia before he tapped Carl's shoulder.

Thank you. Connie signed. I just smiled at her. I smiled at Jessie as well but purposely avoided eye contact with Lydia. I know it wasn't her fault where she came from and blah, blah, blah... But that didn't mean I have to trust her.

It was a few more hours until we got to Kingdom, having done the majority of the journey before we ran into our family, friends and Lydia. The gates of Kingdom opened, my dad and Dog jumped out to walk in. The cart and horses came to stop and everyone got out. Kelly literally bolted towards Connie once she was in view. I saw mum running towards us with a huge smile... Well, running to Jessie. She scooped the boy up in a tight hug. Ezekiel was quick behind her, hugging his wife and son tightly. Me and Sophia stared at the three, I felt Sophia's eyes move to me... But, I couldn't look at her back. Truth is, I was jealous of Jessie. I saved him from the Sanctuary and it felt like he replaced me and Sophia in our mother's heart. 

They pulled back, mum left her hands on his shoulders. "You can't ever run away like that again." She ordered with tears on her face. Yea... A thing went down with the whisperers and they wanted Lydia back, we were forced to return her for the safety of Alden and Luke. Jessie ran away to go and save her. "Not ever again."

"Okay, I won't." Jessie agreed.

I decided to tear my eyes away from the sight as I stood by mama, dad and Dog. "You alright, princess?" Dad asked. 

I hummed and nodded, before looking towards where the main action was taking place. The Kingdom was beautifully set up with stalls and decoration. "And you." I heard mum laugh as she went over to dad and hugged him tightly. She kissed his cheek before smiling at Michonne and then finally looking at me and Sophia. "Oh, my girls." She smiled brightly, pulling us both into a hug. She kissed Sophia's cheek, then my temple before she took a couple steps back.

"You said you'd be there when I got back." I told her.

"I know, sweetheart, I'm sorry." She apologised, gently touching my cheek.

"Ellie got pretty banged up. She's been in the infirmary for a little over a week." Sophia informed her.

"I know, I heard, I was desperate to come to see you, but-" She started.

"But Jessie was missing." I interrupted, forcing a smile. "Don't worry, I get it."

She smiled at me. "Why don't you two go check out the fair? I'm sure you've had a long journey." Mum looked between us both.

"Sure, come on, El." Sophia nodded, gently tugging on my forearm so we left the group and walked towards the fair. "Family fun, am I right?" She muttered.

Ellie DixonWhere stories live. Discover now