B-3N (Sonic the Hedgehog)

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B-3N is a robot created by Gerald Robotnik. He was created to protect and give company to his granddaughter, Maria while he was busy with Project Shadow. B-3N though did seem to be sentient. Despite not know how the robot was sentient Gerald was proud of the accomplishment. He trusted he would keep Maria safe for the time being.

As days went of B-3N grew to be curious of the world below. Hoping that one day Maria would be able to gone down there with him. After Shadow was created he also wished Shadow could as well. Though before that Gerald was having trouble with giving his project life. Black Doom ended up coming along and gave some black arms dna to help the project. Some of the dna was stored into B-3N. Which ended up forming a soul for him.

Once G.U.N attacked space colony ark B-3N was shot down while stalling G.U.N soldiers from Shadow and Maria. Though it was all for not. The last thing he heard before shutting down was a scream from Maria.

More than fifty years later he was powered up again. Though now he didn't have any of his memories. He was found by Dr. Eggman after his most recent failure. (That happened in generations) in a junkyard. You can learn more about B-3N in a fanfic I'm doing btw.

Name: B-3N or Ben

Gender: Male (even though he a beep boop robot)

Age: 50+ (acts like a child though for the most part)

Species: Hedgehog robot

Status: Hero

Forms: Robot form, mobian illusion form. Super form.

Powers and abilities: Super strength, flight, sonic speed, chaos spear, chaos blast, appearance changer. (with phantom ruby fragments)

Weapons: Spikes on his fists. (not like exactly like Knuckles. In his mobian form and robotic form the spikes are on his hands. They are not gloves.)

Likes: Nature, stargazing, being loved, Sonic and the gang (later on), Shadow, Rouge, Shadow, Rouge, Omega, Cream, Maria, Sonic and the rest of his friends. Infinite.

Dislikes: Losing the ones he cares about. Eggman. Starline. Being yelled at. His trauma after getting his memories back. 

Family: Gerold Robotnik, Maria Robotnik, Shadow the Hedgehog. Eggman (by technicality)

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