Part 2 -introducing

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No one pov:

"The chitchat last night was kinda interesting" she said.

"Hi I'm myoui mina, I'm a high school student my life it kinda interesting let see together" mina said.

"My life has been rough lately but it's okay my parents is managed to get a good life for us and they care for me i tried to get to grade trying my best to be in top of the school and i did it i tried to make my parent proud" mina said.

"I'm actually Japanese. I was an orphan when i was a kid i eventually got adopted by korean couple they were both raised me like their own daughter they loved me like how they love their other child.and another thing they let me keep my last name by my biological parents,and actually another thing they said when i was a kid in orphan,they said they got a necklace that my biological parents keep for me before they leaving me at the orphan  and here i got that necklace that my biological parents leave for me" mina said showing the necklace.

"But recently my friend has been recommended me the website call "omegle" i tried it last night it was not so great experience but it's okay i've meet this "guy" last night he seems okay but weird like other people" mina continue said.

*new message from unknown person*

"Wait someone texted me" mina said get off from the chairs.

"It from unknown person" mina said.

"Oh it actually the guy I talked with last night" mina said.

"You actually gave him your numbers?"

"I mean he give me his number first i have no choice but to accept it because i thought we could have a talk and being friends with each other" mina said continue to texting him.

"You seem to interesting in him"

"Yeah i mean he's not weird like other people he seem great" mina said stop texting from her phone.

"What did he say?"

"He just said good morning and introduce himself" mina said smiled.

"Move on to the last question"

"Okay" mina said.

"Have you ever been to relationships before?"

"That was an unexpected question but okay. I've been to relationships before and i would rather not... yet"

Hello this is about myoui mina life that i wrote here hope you guy like it and a reminder my English is not my first language and if there's anything wrong grammar or typo please tell me about hope you guy understand that because it actually quite hard to wrote because i've busy with school and my exams and part time study too i got nothing in my head to write this is my best that i could write and nest part would say about son chaeyoung life.

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