Chapter 8

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I huffed at that and walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room? I think it is at least and luckily I was right I didn't like being in new areas I always got lost way too easily, I looked around and now was super bored I sat on the floor and thought for a moment 'hmm maybe I could go on a hunt to find...... Natalie...' I said and started to frown, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and a little girls was now in front of me.

"Are you ok miss?" Said the small girl with a worried frown,

"Yeah I'm fine.. Thank you for asking though dear" I said giving her a warm smile.

"So what's your name?" She said her emotion changing immediately,

"I'm Y/N, what about you dear?" I said while tilting my head.

"It's amazing to meet you Miss Y/N! I'm Sally!" She said her smile growing bigger,

I just chuckled, then Sally looked up and frowned "Is it bed time already???" She said whining a little bit.

"Yeah come on Sally" said an unfamiliar voice behind me,

I picked up Sally while standing up, then turned around and said "Hello it's wonderful to meet you dear" I said while smiling she smirked at my manners.

"You have amazing manners dear" she said " I'm Jane " I smiled and said "I'm Y/N, It's amazing to meet you Jane" "you too" she said after me while grabbing Sally and walking up stairs to put her to bed was my guess.

I was about to walk outside before someone grabbed my hand, I was used to combat so I immediately flipped them in front of me and held a knife at their throat, 

"let go...." He said in a deep voice I just chuckled.

"Hmm- Why?~" I said smiling bigger, he didn't respond that just made me angry so I let go of him and just walked outside.

I could feel him watching me though, so I turned around "What do you want dude?" I had said purely upset from being disturbed.

"Nothing really... Am I not aloud to hang out with the noobie?" He tilted his head,

"No. You can not. And Don't. I swear Don't call me a noobie." I said pure rage booming out of me.

"Aww- but I'm so lonely..." he said trying to make me feel bad, it didn't work though.

"Good." I said while turning away,

"Can I at least get your name?" He said with a sad and questioning face.

I sighed "it's Y/N, you?"

"I'm Puppeteer! But you can call me puppet it you want, And it was lovely meeting you Y/N!" He said his face smiling widely,

"Hehe.... Yeah you too... uh.. Puppet." I said unsure if I got his name right.

"Bye!" He said I just sighed "Bye.." It was no louder than a whisper.

Omg guys I know... I'm Alive! Hehe.. lol... yea sorry guys I have been busy then I forgot about this, but I'm back! (For now..hehe.... Sorry I'll be quiet now.) so I hope you guys are enjoying this and like omg I'm so happy. Because this series has about 118 views! Yay! 

Peace out my guy's gal's and non-binary pal's!

To Be Edited By: LadyL0kiL0ve 

(528 words)

Live Today Like Its You're Last! ( Creepypasta X Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt