Chapter Five-Bad Boy Reappearance, A Delicious Treat & Travelings!

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((I fixed a piece on the information Trainer page. Instead of just poachers, I fixed it to Poachers/Hunters, as I had forgotten there were in-fact hunters as well. Although, they're sometimes classified as the same thing... Either way, it's fixed.))

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*$*Main Street*$*

*$*Main Street*$*

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Rayna's POV

"T-This guy's insane!" The first bully cried out as he tried to pick himself off the ground from the punches he received, "That wasn't six hits, you liar!" "We needta get the hell outta here!" The second bully cried out as he helped his buddy up before they ran off, "I beg all chickens for their forgiveneeeesssssss!" "You better be aplogizin' a hundred times over the next time you eat eggs!" Deuce snarled out after them, "Dumbasses!" "No need to trash talk them." I told him, knowing that all that pent-up anger he had was let out. Grim, he was hiding behind my legs and screeched in fear as Deuce tried to calm down. He panted lightly before realizing something, "Oh no!" "What now?!" Grim cried out in fear and disbelief. "I-I screwed up..." Deuce said as tears started to gather in his eyes, "I vowed that I'd definitely, definitely be an honors student this time for sure...!" "Eeh?" Grim sounded in confusion but I had an idea as to why the boy was acting this way. I had seen it a lot from some of the delinquents I had encountered before and after they changed their ways. "All I ever did in middle school was screw around..." Deuce muttered as he tried to wipe his tears away, "I constantly skipped school and spent all my time getting into fights. I disrespected all my teachers, hung around the more sketchy groups and bleached my hair to death. Even rode my Magical Wheel all over the place. I was terrible person that went as far as to use magic to lord over those who couldn't." "That's literally textbook delinquent!" Grim cried out in shock before calming down, "You don't see a ton of those nowadays." "Try my world..." I muttered before looking back at Deuce and said, "I knew there was more to you than what you were showing." "Then, one night... I saw my mom hiding away in tears as she called my grandma. "Was the way I raised him wrong? Would it have been better if he had both parents?" Even though none of it was her fault." Deuce continued sadly as he looked at the ground in sadness and anguish, "Mom wasn't the problem here, it was all me! So when the carriage came from a school as prestigious as Night Raven College and I got to see my mom look so happy, I swore I would never make her cry again. This time, I'm going to be a diligent student my mom can be proud of. And then I go and pull this... Shit!" He was hastily wiping away his tears again. "But y'know..." Grim spoke up before I could, "Does being a good student mean you have to grin and bear everything?" I smiled at him-proud of his words. "Huh?" Deuce sounded, confused at the monster's words. "Those delinquents deserved another ten punches if you ask me!" Grim spoke sternly before relaxing, "You fought them off before I could, though." I placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "Just don't go too far with it." "You guys..." Deuce muttered in surprise. "Even the most diligent of students get mad too." I told him as I gave his shoulder a squeeze before letting him go, "Remember, you're human too-you're allowed to feel." "Really?" He asked before giving a watery smile as tears gathered in his eyes again before letting out a small chuckle, "May those baby chicks rest in peace." "Oh boy..." I muttered before sighing and saying, "Ah, Deuce? Eggs sold in stores are unfertilized, so they'd never mature." "Eeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhh!!!????" Deuce cried out in surprise at the bombshell I dropped on him, "You've gotta be kidding!?!?!?!?!?" I cringed as his voice was carried out through the still air-echoing throughout the school grounds. Grim wasn't much better, poor thing was using his paws to fallen his ears down against his skull.

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