Chapter 1

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Season 2 - Episode 1
"What a lie"

I hate him. He lied to me and used me for his little game. Wednesday thought to herself while she in the backseat of the car driving to Nevermore. But she
Had more important things to focus on like how Enid going to immediately try to hug her. She was never going to admit she was kinda looking forward to hugging her best friend again. She did saved her life after all. The other thing Wednesday needs to focus on is finding out who her stalker is.
  "Tyler? No he dead. Laurel no also dead" Wednesday thought to herself. "

Who is it then it's make no sense who else would be stalking me" Wednesday says

Thing makes a hand jester of "idk"

"Of course" Wednesday says

The gates open and then the car parks.
Wednesday walks out of the car door with Eind and  Xavier are waiting for her arrival. Eind runs over to Wednesday and gives her hug.

"My favorite person back!" Eind says excitedly

"Hey Wednesday" Xavier says

"Hello" Wednesday says

"So why did you end up coming back? I thought you hated it here" Eind ask

"I don't hate it as much. I still hate it. But not as much as I did" Wednesday says

"Oh okay I see" Eind says

"I'm glad thing back with you. I missed him" Eind says

"thing  missed you too" Wednesday says

Eind and Wednesday gets to their dorm.
Wednesday starts to unpack her bag and get her decorations out. As Eind side has stayed the same. Including the haft color widow.
Wednesday does a very small slime. Then quickly knocks herself out of it. Back to the blank Expression.
Eind and trying have a conversation. Wednesday doesn't bother to listen nor watch.
She gets to writing.

"Writing another book already?" Eind ask

"Yes I'm making a sequel to my original novel" Wednesday says

"Ooooo. What is it about?" Eind ask

"It's about" Wednesday stops to think

She can say the main protagonist has a love interest who betrayed her and who was her first kiss and love. Or she's now has a stalker and more mystery's. Both at true. And are happing and happened to Wednesday. But she went with.

"It's about someone stalker my protagonist" Wednesday says

"Ooo mysterious! She should have a love interest this book" Eind says

"Why? Just so he can betrayed her" Wednesday says calmly

"Uh no, me and thing think it would be some light"Eind gets cut off

"Let me stop you right their. Love interest are distracting and disappointments and pointless. My protagonist doesn't need love she needs to be the best at what she does" Wednesday says

"Okay jeez" Eind say

Walking back to her side of the room. Wednesday knew she went a little hard on Eind again all she was trying to do was be nice. Wednesday continued to write her story. Feeling sorry about getting rude to Eind.

I WISH I COULD FORGET.   Wednesday ~ fanfic season 2  (Wednesday x Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now