Chapter 3

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Season 2 Episode 3
"The tomb won't close"

"I think you should go on a date with Xavier" Enid says
While their walking to their next class in the Nevermore halls.

"What? No" Wednesday says

Wednesday is not going out on a date with Xavier he painted her weirdly enough and why in some people eyes that "romantic", having Tyler want to kill was more romantic then a painting of her.

"Oh come on he a nice guys. Plus it gives me and Thing time to fugitive out the stalker situation" Enid says

"No I'll take the Hyde over him and it's my Stalker and my case" Wednesday says

"I know but I'm just trying to be nice and you know you don't feel that feel that way" Enid says

Unfortunately for Wednesday case Enid was right she wouldn't take the Hyde over Xavier but she would take Tyler over Xavier. Wednesday doesn't have feelings for Xavier, she annoyed by how much everyone trying to push it down her throat.

"I don't need to find a boy right now they just distracting  from things that matter like this case and Thing and yo-" Wednesday stops talking

"Like you? As in me!" Enid says excitedly

Wednesday doesn't reposed

"I take that as. YES!" Enid screams excitedly

Wednesday didn't say anything because she was going to say Enid. Enid is after her best friend. She not a Hyde after all nor did she paint her without her permission.

"Okay so instead of dating Xavier what about being friends with him?" Enid ask

"I don't need more friends. But I propose I would be fine being friends with him" Wednesday says

"Yay! I'm glad your coming around" Enid says

Wednesday doesn't mind Xavier as a friend just not boyfriend and girlfriend she never saw him as that. But he is nice after all and would make a good friend and would most differently help with this stalker case so it's a worth a shot in Wednesday minds.

Wednesday and Enid parts ways to go to their classes.

Tyler wakes up cold. Living alone and homeless and in the place you took a girl on her first ever date just to betrayer and not to mention being hunted down by cops and the government. Tyler life's is really complicated right now. He hates the Addams family and Wednesday. He hates Laurel. But then again he does t hate Wednesday and He misses his mom.

He hates this monster that's living inside of him. The Hyde takes control over him in human form or full on Hyde. But he barely remembers what he said or do. The little bit he does remember, it's painful the screams, the horrific fear on their face and the pain, blood and tears.

It's a horrible thought to knows he caused it all. Tyler wishes it could go always but it can't, it won't. Ever.

Tyler makes the getting up and out of "bed" even longer then it should be, eventually.

The "bed" it's not really much of a bed it's a thin blanket with another thin blanket coving his body on the cold cement floor.

I WISH I COULD FORGET.   Wednesday ~ fanfic season 2  (Wednesday x Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now