Chapter 7

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Season 2 Episode 7
"A painful way of saying goodbye my woe"

The woman voice is cold and sweet. Just from that Wednesday knows exactly who it is. Tyler turns around and see Laurel, his face turns cold just like her voice. His heart stops and he remembers all of the pain she put him through. It hard for him not to go and kill her.

Wednesday looks with tears filling her eyes as she stares at Enid body. Wednesday turn her head to see Laurel.

"So, do you Wednesday?" Laurel asks "Do you?" She continues to ask

"You bitch" Wednesday responds

Laurel laughs and stares blankly. She finds it amusing, Wednesday pain. In a way Wednesday relates, she enjoys pain but she never would ever enjoy this type of pain. Wednesday gets up and runs over to Laurel. Tyler follows. Midway to her Wednesday stop dead in her tracks, Laurel laughs.

"Run" Tyler says to Wednesday. They began to run in the opposite direction, passing by Enid body. It turns out Laurel had more than just one monster she was hiding, it was one of those disgusting monster just like the one Wednesday killed all that time ago. Her and Tyler run into the woods, they hide behind a big tree in the middle of the forest.

Tyler and Wednesday holds hand. They share a knowing look. The look that this may be the last time they have to do this. That is until Wednesday has an idea.  She turn to Tyler and says "Turn into the Hyde!"
Tyler looks at her with a confused look on her face.
"What?" He ask
"Turn into the Hyde! You can do that right?" She ask
"Yes but only if enough pain" He responds
Both of them get it and know what they have to do. Wednesday grabs a stick from the ground and she pins it right in Tyler leg.  Tyler put his hand over his mouth out of pure pain and trying to not he loud. Wednesday feels bad for hurting him which is odd for her to feel.

After a few more times of stabbing Tyler he still, well Tyler.
"It's not working" Wednesday says
"I'm sorry" Tyler responds
They hear something, they both turn their heads to look and to the right of them is Laurel.
"You guys thought you could run from me" Laurel say "Maybe next time" she say afterwards.
Wednesday and Tyler look at each other there only one option now.

They run at Laurel, Wednesday kicks her legs and Tyler grabs her upper body. But one of the monster comes and kicks both Wednesday and Tyler. They fall to the turn trying to catch their breath. Laurel pulls something out of her coat pocket, it shines in the moonlight. Wednesday vision finally isn't blurry. She see the gun.

Laurel smile turns into an emotional-less expression. She has her eye on the target. Which happens to be Wednesday and Tyler.

Tyler knows their one option, the last one. The only logical choice to be made. Laurel points the gun straight at Wednesday head, Laurel seconds a way from pulling the trigger, Tyler makes his last move. He jumps.

Tyler last act was saving Wednesday. In this moment he felt nothing. None of his pain, grief, anger or sadness. He felt nothing. Numb for once in his life.
He didn't even feel happiness.  He was just numb, which was bliss. Not even his love for Wednesday was felt. He was numb and at peace.

Wednesday feels a splash of blood land on her head. She moves her head to look at Tyler and he's not in the spot he was. Wednesday then looks right in front of her. Her heart stops, again. Once again it's not thrilling, exciting, fun, fascinating or anything of that sort. It's just hurts and not in the way that Legally Blonde hurt. It was a pain you don't want to feel.

Wednesday eyes were filling up with tears. It was gross to her and a pleasure to Laurel.

"His dumb naive ass is dead and out of the way. Time for you to meet him in wherever the fuck you go when you die" Laurel say as she returns the gun to Wednesday head.

Wednesday closes her eyes here it come sweet cold death. Something she waited her whole life but she never imaged in this way. A few seconds later she hears a gunshot and a scream. She opens her eyes her midsection was bleeding. It been shot. She looked over to Laurel and she being eaten by a wolf. The wolf is Enid, she not dead! Wednesday is glad that she is alive.  She feels lightheaded and her eyes are sleepy, her skin is paler than usual and her skin is cold. Is this death? She wonders. It is. She falls.

Wednesday hears beeping, she opens her eyes and sees Enid. She gives a small smile, Enid goes over and they share a hug. It's long and well needed. That night was hell and they both made it out. After they stop hugging they hold hands.  Wednesday ask
Enid face grows cold, she shakes her head.

"He didn't make it" she says softly.

Wednesday face goes cold and her tears fill her eyes. Enid hugs Wednesday softy. 

A part of Wednesday was always dead. But now, all of her is dead.


I WISH I COULD FORGET.   Wednesday ~ fanfic season 2  (Wednesday x Tyler)Where stories live. Discover now