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It's beens 2 mouths since Tyler has passed. I've never got over it. I went to his funeral last week I don't think his dad was too happy to see me ththereEind and thing have been comforting me this whole time. I'm thankful for them.

It going to be winter break soon. I'm going on a vacation far from here. I'm always gonna love Tyler. Just like he always gonna love me. I hope he's happy.

He with his mom now. "I'll see you soon. Tyler I'm going to my family for winter break" Wednesday says while looking at his grave.

Wednesday walks to the cool in the cold snow. she looks down at the birthday gif Tyler never gave her. It's a disgusting purple color bracelet with a note that said "a little color maybe it's still dark though- Tyler" but she's always wearing it.

Right before she leaves she sees someone out of the corner of eye.
She turns around.
"I'm not dead" Tyler says
Wednesday face of joy tearing up eyes and stocked.
Tyler's walks over to
Tyler gives her a hug. Wednesday actually hugs him back.
He she's leans up to kiss him. He picks her up and crul her around. (Sorry how teen Romcom  this is lol) they stop kissing he sets her down.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Wednesday ask

"We had to fake my death so the government and cops will stop looking for me, my dad came up with the plan" Tyler says

"That's brilliant." Wednesday says back to her blank expression.

"Ha, yes it is." Tyler says

Wednesday does a small slime

"I'll see you around"  Tyler says

"Where are you going?" Wednesday ask

"Me and my dad can't really say here. We're moving." Tyler says

"Will I Ever see you again?" Wednesday ask

"You have my number" Tyler says walking alway

Wednesday looks down and checks her phone. She does.
Wednesday walks to the car. As they start to
Drive always. She texts Tyler.

"I hate your bracelet, it disgusting" Wednesday texts says

"I knew you love it" Tyler send back.

Wednesday does a small slime. Looking out her widow.

She hears a ding.

Wednesday looks down at her phone to read a text from Enid.

"So howwwss Tyler?" Enid ask though text

"You knew he was alive?" Wednesday sends back.

"Of chose, wolf sense" Enid says

Wednesday does a small giggle. But then stops right after.
Finally Wednesday looks out her widow awaiting to go on her vacation . She does after all deserve it after a long year. Wednesday has one last idea.

"I'm going on vacation someone far from here. Wanna join?"


I WISH I COULD FORGET.   Wednesday ~ fanfic season 2  (Wednesday x Tyler)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang