why are you reading this :)

44 5 23

[!]-Hey. They're making a new book.

[?]-You have to be more specific, [!].


[?]-Like this, ahem, greetings reader! The lovely creator of this book is currently focusing on making a brand new book! It will hopefully release soon, and we are very excited for you all to read it!

[!]-Ugh. Why did you say all of that?

[?]-I was being specific, [!]. The way that you said it, it sounded off.

[!]-And the way you said it was really tiring and long.

[?]-Whatever. As we were saying, our creator,

[!]-That we shall now call Deni.


[!]-Yes, Deni.


[!]-Because they like that name. Now continue.

[?]-Alright then, Deni is currently making the first chapter of their new book. The book will be a oneshot book with their original characters.

[!]-It will only be their original characters. No one else.

[?]-Yep. Anyways, we hope that you enjoy their new book once it comes out. Also, the first chapter might be a bit depressing.

[!]-Yeah. I'm pretty sure they were crying a bit while writing it.

[?]-No, that's because of the music they were listening too. Also, Deni will try their very best to update their already existing books.

[!]-Yep. That all?

[?]-Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's it.

[!]-Alright. Also, this chapter has nothing to do with this story, it's just a little update of sorts.

[?]-Uh-huh. Well, that's all! We'll see you soon reader-dear~

[!]-Can you stop calling them that? Someone said you sounded like a 30 year-old creep from Omegle or whatever.

[?]-What? I don't even know what that means?

[!]-They don't like you calling them dead, or darling, or any other pet names.

[?]-Oh. Well, I apologize for that. But I'm still going to use pet names. It just feels more comfortable.

[!]-Fine, whatever. Good bye reader, and apologies for talking too long.

[?]-Yeah. Bye, love~

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