why you reading this bro :)

10 1 14

[\]-Hey reader! Question, what do you think me and my twin sound like?

[/]-Yeah, we've been wondering that.


[?]-What are you two doing?

[\]-Asking the reader what we sound like.

[?]-Oh. Wait, didn't we already ask that?

[/]-I don't know, maybe?

[\]-Doesn't matter! We're asking it now, and reader, be specific. Please.

[?]-Why should they be specific?

[/]-Because then we can know what they think me and [\] sound like.

[?]-Alright, then.

why did you talk to them

Mɥʎ noʇ? I ɯǝɐn, ʇɥǝʎ sǝǝɯ bnıʇǝ nıɔǝ.

you know what they did

Iʇ ʍɐsn'ʇ ʇɥǝɯ ʍɥo pıp ıʇ.

how would you know that

Hoʍ ʍonlp ʎon ʞnoʍ ʇɥɐʇ ʇɥǝʎ'ɹǝ ʇɥǝ onǝs ʍɥo ʞıllǝp ɥıɯ?


we should go


i'm tired of letting them hear us speak

∀1ɹıƃɥʇ ʇɥǝn.

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