we're back! and we have an announcement to make!

17 2 15

[\]-We're back, everyone!

[/]-Yep! And we're here to tell you all something pretty important!

[\]-Well, it's not really important per se, but yeah, we have a pretty special announcement to make!

[/]-Eh, whatever. Anyways, the special announcement is that we're doing a q'n'a!

[\]-Uh-huh! You ask any one of us any question!

[/]-And you can all ask multiple questions!

[\]-Yeah! You can basically just ask a million questions about one character and it'll be fine!

[/]-Well, not a million, there is a limit to how many questions one person can ask one character.

[\]-Oh, right, the limit is 20 questions per character and per commenter!

[/]-Mm-hm! Oh, sorry if our explanations suck, by the way.

[\]-He-heh, yeah, sorry....

[/]-Anyways, before we go, we both have something to say!

[\]-Oh yeah! Can I say it?

[/]-What? But I wanted to say it!

[?]-How about you both say it?

[\]-Oh. Thats...actually a pretty good idea. [!], [?] just had a good idea!


[!]-Holy crap, really?


[?]-Why is that so shocking?

[!]-Well usually, all of your ideas are about murder. So, yeah.

[?]-I am very offended.

[!]-Yeah, but it's true, isn't, it?

[?]-Whatever, can we please just get back to the thing we were talking about?

[\]-Oh yeah. [/], you ready?

[/]-Yeah! Let's do this!

[\]Alright then! Three, two, one...!

[/][\]-We really appreciate all of your support and comments! We all really care about you and hope that you can continue giving us all of your lovely support!

[?]-We all really care about you~

[!]-And we all appreciate the fact that you enjoy these stories so much.

[.]-All of your support gives our writer the motivation they need to keep writing and updating!

[]-We also appreciate the fact that you care so much about all of these random books with random lore.

[ ]-Yeah, we honestly didn't think that we would get this popular.

[✓]-But, nonetheless, we appreciate all of the attention, votes, and comments we get on these random little books.

[×]-Yep. We all really hope that you continue enjoying, voting, and commenting on our books.

[•]-Even though we don't update often and everything is super confusing, you still stick with us and enjoy our stories.

[|]-Even though not many people read out books, we still really appreciate the people who do read, vote, and comment on them.

[?][!][\][/][✓][×][•][|][ ][][.]-Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, and enjoying our random stories! We hope to continue having your lovely support! Sure, it may not seem like a lot to most, but to us, it's a bunch! We all never expected to get as much attention as we do now! Have an amazing day and thank you all!

Honestly, I don't really know why I started writing on Wattpad, but I'm glad I did, otherwise, I really doubt I would be here with all of you! I'll try my best to start updating more and giving you all more content! I love you all, and I'll see you in the next chapter! <3


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